On average, how many hours do you spend actively online each week day (working day)?
(Voter names are not displayed)
Less than 2 hours per day
2 to 4 hours per day
4 to 6 hours per day
6 to 8 hours per day
8 to 10 hours per day
10 - 12 hours per day
More than 12 hours per day
On average, how much time do you spend each week day (working day) on social media (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.):
(Voter names are not displayed)
The amount of hours I spent studying online starts from 8 am in the morning to 8 pm in the night, expect maybe two hours of lunch and break time. I would say I spent 10 hours online. As for the amount of time I spent on social media in a week, I would say I spent almost 12 hours.
With the advent of social media platforms like WhatsApp you find out that many people used it to communicate work and social related issues whilst still doing their core work. A person can be at work for example operating a boiler but also at the same time communicating with the outside world using the internet. This has makes it difficult to limit our time spend on the internet.