LiDA101 Wikipedia reliability poll

Indicate the extent that you agree with the following statement:

Wikipedia is a reliable source for academic study.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Undecided
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

0 voters

I have never used Wikipedia to be honest!. think Wikipedia is good for general information and the information can be well sourced. However, as with something like dyslexia, the information is grounded in the medical model and this gives a very one-sided view of dyslexia. Also with this subject, there needs to be a constant flow of updated information from current research and studies. #lida101

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I think I most agree with this statement:
Wikipedia can be a reliable source for academic study.

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Hi @ereynor, @AlenaBuis, and @mackiwg
To be honest, I think that Wikipedia can be a good start for academic research, and I am talking mostly about the English version of Wikipedia. There are plenty of resources with just one click. Additionally, some articles are really great for someone to study and to have -at least- a general idea about a subject.
On the other hand, Wikipedia is open to everyone to edit, regardless of age or academic/professional background. There might be some consequences because of this, such as methodological issues.
I would trust Wikipedia to start new research in a field I have no experience, before going deeper.
Best regards


Wikipedia is not a reliable source for academic research. It, however, gives you a general background opinion of how different people define or feel about a particular subject matter

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I agree with this! To expand on that a little further, if Wikipedia is used by people with strong digital literacy skills, it can absolutely be a reliable source for academic study. It is up to us as the users to discern whether the information is credible or not.


Yes - an import skill is to review the corresponding talk page of a wiki article to assess the maturation and to evaluate primary sources cited in the article.


lida101 Wikipedia is from user contribution and its useful one way or another for having first hand information form a source.

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I often use Wikipedia as a first stop, or if I am looking for a definition. I think it is a useful starting point and depending on the topic and editors I have used and cited it in academic study

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I agree with the statement that Wikipedia can be used in academic study as long as the user is aware of the possible issues with the information, i.e. it’s content is not gospel. I often use Wikipedia as a starting point, especially for definitions or background on a subject. Some of the references included in entries are also a place to start further research.


I totally agree, it is a great starting point. I often use it for a basic check on something that I start researching. The references are valuable as they can offer you the background information and create credible links for your research. The references can also speed up time taken that you spend searching for this information. It’s not a one stop place but what is…

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@danieloskam, interestingly I just watched this video from Michael Caulfield (Director of Blended and Networked Learning at Washington State University) in LiDA104 about using Wikipedia for fact checking and sorting out fake news. It recommends using Wikipedia as a “great first stop to investigate journalistic sources and organisations”.


I find Wikipedia is a great resource. It often gives a good summary of a phenomenon and breaks down the various elements of the subject matter. Wikipedia can also point you in the direction of good resources. I would not quote directly from Wikipedia, I would first follow the source and then if it is a solid resource quote straight from the source or cite the source directly. Never site Wikipedia if possible. In the end, Wikipedia is a mixed bag and the resource is only as reliable as your own ability to assess the quality of information. #lida101

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I agree with the statement Wikipedia is a reliable source for academic study.
If you need the proof or source just head to the references page.

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I agree that Wikipedia can be a reliable source of academic research. However you can not just use it in totality. You can also use other sources as to enrich one’s academic knowledge of a given subject.

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I agree to it . I have experienced through several readings that one can take wikipedia as a reliable starting general academic resource centre that can guide you towards any specific information resources you might be looking for.#LiDA101

I agree totally with @sarah-mc. Wikipedia is always a great place to start off your research on different topics. It’s a rule of thumb to thoroughly evaluating the articles and each references provided to confirm the validity and credibility of the articles. Which has always been the pracitise in any research.