Systems View - Activity 2

Time: This activity should take you about 40 – 60 minutes

To understand more about the core functions and systems of distance education, read the extract, which is based on research that was done by the International Research Foundation for Open Learning (IRFOL) for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Construct and complete the table to show the main features of the remaining three selected functions for each of the different models. We have done the first function (Materials development, production and storage) as an example. Share your table with peers in the discussion forum.

Models B and C are convenient for materials distribution, students recruitment and performance analysis. Model A would have challenges due to its nature.

Distance education model Model A Model B Model C
Materials distribution to learners Need for investment in building for materials storage, materials collected on campus or distributed to central places for collection Some materials need to be collected on campus or a central place, other materials accessed on-line Electronic materials accessed on- line, material are digital
Student recruitment and support Handwritten applications, face-to- face student advisory . Written applications and some virtual sessions needed, social media and web site marketing of courses On-line registration website and social media advertising, online student support / help resources, virtual sessions
Feedback system for formative assessment Printed test results and marked scripts, face-to-face interaction Need for marked scripts, copy of results, as well as online access to results, virtual interaction Assessment results accessed on- line, virtual interaction

activity 2.pdf (102.4 KB)

Well done on Activity 2 Natali. You can see how much savings are made in fully online models, especially on storage and transportation of teaching and learning materials. Of course, there are also costs that are associated with securing and maintaining technological infrastructure but usually these are high at the beginning and tend to get lower with time.