In summary, OERu learners retain their copyright of the content they produce but we require that you apply a Creative Commons Attribution license to your interactions. This provides us with the permission to share your comments with fellow students in support of your learning.
We are a charitable service helping learners to gain access to more affordable education. Our courses are provided in good faith on an “AS-IS” and “AS-AVAILABLE” basis.
The OERu serves many countries and users are encouraged to be respectful of the diverse cultures participating in OERu courses. Offensive comments, insults, personal attacks, inappropriate language, and illegal activity will be deleted from OER Foundation (OERF) maintained websites. The OERF reserves the right to ban disruptive user accounts on any of the websites maintained by the Foundation to support the OERu network.
Please read our detailed terms of service, which gives you information on privacy, and how we use data to support your learning. All students should read our terms of service carefully.
There is no contractual relationship between you and the respective OERu partner institution, until you formally enrol as an OERu assessment candidate within our network for assessment and credentialing services.