Why mainstream ODL - Activity 5

This activity should take you about 15 – 20 minutes to complete.

Think of your context and the out of school children and youth who are not in employment, education or training. Identify key stakeholders who should play a part in supporting open schooling in your country and explain the role any three of them should play. Post your answer in the discussion forum.

The unemployed can do research to support open education.

What type of research do you have in mind?

Any other stakeholders that might help in your context, like non-governmental organisations?

Provide second chance learning for this kind of school children. This will help and motivate them to learning skills. Like In Solomon Islands it has been introduced and there were many dropouts enrolled into the program. It’s on distance flexible mode so everybody can experience the second chance learning. The Government working closely with the Solomon Islands National University with other donor parties collaborated into the program to succeed.

The idea of providing a second chance is excellent and in many developing countries, there are many children and youth who need that provision. ODFL is ideal for that and that is why we need to mainstream it in our countries.

Activity 5

Government is the main stakeholder to take the responsibility for constructing a policy and a healthy environment for open schooling to succeed. Government need to put aside funds that can help to build an open schooling the country.

Schools (including teachers)

Schools have the human resource capability to plan an open school access for the youths to access education and they have the knowledge and skills to provide them with an effective knowledge for open schooling to be attractive. They are the implementer for an effective learner support tools for whoever need education.


Communities can afford care in kind of building infrastructure, and by encouraging young people to participate in the open schooling resources. However community people with relevant skills support the actual learning process.

The private sector

The private sector supports government by providing resources needed. For example, Internet Service s can be encouraged to zero-rate data used for educational purposes.

International organizations

Like, UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank provide both financial and technical support to establish open schools. They also support the running of such schools by providing resource

The key stakeholders in Fiji who should play a part in supporting open schooling are:
(i) Government at all levels (National, Regional and local);
(ii) Educational Institutions (basic, post-basic and tertiary);
(iii) Regulatory bodies in Education;
(iv) Donor Agencies;
(v) Communities; and
(vi) Religious bodies;

Governments should ensure that it is key policy that all educational institutions should operate on a dual mode of both traditional and open schooling.

Donor Agencies should provided the funding gap on government budgets for education.

Regulatory bodies in Education should ensure compliance and monitoring of implementation of open schooling across board.

Im my Country the Ministry of Education collaborate with the Australian Government and New Zealand Government in engaging young people to furthertheir studies after being finished from senior secondary schools. Also these partners play an important roles in terms of recruiting these drop out to work overseas as fruit pickers and working in age care.