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Please post any course specific questions and contributions for the Assessment skills for Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (AS4ODFL) micro course by clicking on the reply button below.
A post was merged into an existing topic: AS4ODFL (PAC) Forms of assessment
Hi, I can’t get to do my learning on my phone, how should l get this done??
Is it appropriate to ask here - How do invite participants of AS4ODFL to join a dedicated Facebook group? Would it be proper to post the link here? Appreciate advice.
finally I was able to find my way into the forum due to some technical problem. I hope to catch up and enjoy the program
I keep getting an error message when I try to click the link on the Reflection section in Unit 6 - Assignments to support the learning process.
There was feedback provided for uploading my integrated activity template. I don’t know where to find the feed back. Need help.
Sir, I have already done my assessments, forum discussions, quiz and integrated activity but the progression task bar only shows 46% progression. How can I find the other assessments yet to be completed?
From the instructions, it should be uploaded on the OERu Moodle.
OERu Moodle. However, you have to create an account first
Please, how would one access their progress report?
I think some of you are struggling to find the feedback we have written on your integrated activities. Please try to login to OERu Moodle. After logging in, go to the “Grades” menu option where you can view feedback. I think you may be able to view your progress there too.
Most welcome. I experienced the same too
Please, I need help: how do I get to share my AS4ODFL Integrated Task with a colleagues for peer review?
Thank you.