Discuss the following questions. Post your responses and then review your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. Try to respond to someone who has not been responded to yet.
Instructional design is the process of creating learning experiences that enable the learner to achieve the desired learning outcome in a human-centered and goal-oriented way.
Give your views on:
Why is ID design important?
How often, do you as a teacher, reflect on ID, and learning theories when planning and delivering your courses?
Since ID includes the design of teaching and learning activities, assessments, and alignment between them, it is an important parameter in the educational system. I usually try to update my strategy, methods, and generally the ID at the beginning of the semester. In my opinion, as technology is developing, we need to update and develop our methods of teaching.
Instructional design is vital because we have various ability students. It differs for different teachers and learners. We cannot use the same ID every year and for every class. We also should realize we are teaching 21st century students who are tech kids and get distracted easily if the class is monotonous and boring. Hence we should use a blended approach in teaching and learning including both traditional and modern methods. Also in Fiji, we have issues of lack of tech device for all, internet speed variation and power shutdown. So as a teacher we have to be prepared with both soft and hardcopy notes and plans.
I also believe that with technology students confidence level in communication has gone down hence verbal presentation and public speaking should be encouraged to improve critical thinking. Discovery learning should also be included in our lessons. Field Trip and Excursions should be also included which will encourage public relations and appreciation and knowledge of the locality and environment.
I believe that we learn everyday and we should collaborate with other teachers in school, Fiji and the Region to share and adopt methods that can assist us.
It enables the learners to achieve the learning outcome. This to me simply means that despite the learners ability and capabilities (which differs), everyone is able to grasp what the intended outcome was.
It takes into account the learners need. Honestly, this is where I FAIL MISERABLY. As an educator, I at times think that what I am doing is right. We must not only wear the teacher’s hat. We must mentor, coach, guide, teach than only will we be able to achieve our goal. We must also have that teachable spirit where we learn from tge experiences we go through and those around us.
It enables student to be critical thus develop skills that help them to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate.
B) Reflection on ID is mostly done on a weekly basis in my capacity as an educator as this help in my planning and delivering of lesson the following week. I also noticed that every new week, a change in tactics is a must as my young champions(learners) usually gets bored with the same strategy being used. I am thankful that am surrounded with experienced teachers who usually gives their time to help. Experienced in years of teaching. Experience as being an expert in particular fields that I lack in.
Indeed true and with the technologies, the gadgets etc that our children have access to, we as teachers must also upgrade ourselves to be able to create activities that are in line and important to learners.
Well said madam. I totally agree with you especially where you remind me that I am teaching 21st century kids (technology era). I at times forget this and end up making learning boring.
I can see some interesting perspectives being shared. Allow me to throw in the following questions to tickle your brains… Wish you have happy discussions and enjoy yourself!
How would you write a lesson plan using instructional design strategies?
What is the difference between instructional design and learning design?
What does the phrase “teacher as a learning designer” mean to you?
You mentioned a very good point. The ID is not a solid program. Also, for a particular course, the ID will be changed continuously based on the variation of the technology, environment, students’ knowledge and etc. But we need to consider the transmissibility in our plan. It means if we plan a specific course for Fiji, the students who pass this course should learn at a standard level of knowledge. For example, if the student is passing math in grade 12, his/her knowledge should be at the same level as at least 80% of the rest of the world at the same grade.
ID is a systematic and continuous process (living laboratory), deeply rooted in learning principles and pedagogies, supported by educational technologies to develop effective and efficient student learning experiences.
ID processes and strategies can be applied to ANY subject, discipline and level across ANY educational/course delivery mode, such as f-2-f, blended, and purely online.
Instructional Design is very important in the process of creating learning experiences to achieve the learning outcomes of the learners. To enhance teaching practises teachers, need to model the different learning experiences in order to achieve the learning outcomes.
ID should be done on a daily basis. This will make the impossible possible… using learning theories during teaching and planning can improve their ways of teaching a specific topic.
Instructional design help to create and deliver the educational and training materials to enhance learning outcomes. Systematic instructional design meets the demand of learners and working professionals. Therefore it can be said that Id is very important.
As a teacher educator I always try to give and take feedback for immediate response and further progress. Reflection on ID is mostly done on an unit basis to make changes in my teaching strategies and teaching aids.
Instructional design is important because it ensure the students or leaners needs are met in the absence of an instructor. it also gives you the framework to discover who your learners are.
ID design is important and desirable in teaching-learning process because it serves as the foundation for achieving learning outcomes and objectives. ID takes into consideration learners’ individuality and also, the learning environment.
Before the paradigm shift from purely face-to-face classroom teaching, I sparingly reflect on ID. However, with the Online, distance, flexibility learning, I am doing it often and often. One to improve my teaching-learning process. Two, so as no to ridicule myself, because my students are well versed in digital tools and how to develop them for their learning processes, which I usually encourage them to do.
Instructional design is essential to ensure that students are able to understand and implement the knowledge and skills. Before every lesson I ensure that the learning activities will lead to students achieving the outcome and this is evaluated through assessments. Because each student has their own pace of learning, sometimes learning activities and usage of resourses are revised to meet their needs. For each class the ID is different as it solely depends on the students prior knowledge and availability of resources. After each lesson teachers should reflect on how successful the lessons were, the challenges faced and how it could be overcome. As we are advancing in technology, it should be used as a powerful tool to make learning easier and fun. For example, in chemical structures and anatomy of organisms,technology plays a huge role in helping the students visualise bette as these are something yhey do not see in the everyday life.