Advantages of digital resources in ODL

Key benefits of digital resources are

  • Better security.
  • Better for the environment.
  • Saves space.
  • Improved efficiency.
  • Real-time data.
    The advantage of maintain paper documents for open schools is that technology is still under developed and many people are still not able to acesses it

1.Technology plays an important role in such that
-easy access to information
-cost effective
-more interactive
2. on the other hand, it is important to retain paper based learning resources because it is easy to store and manage.
3. -digital learning is an alternative to paper based learning
-digital learning is cost friendly
-digital learning helps with learning and working simultaneously

  1. Digital resources have numerous advantages over paper-based resources which include easy access, cheaper, lighter in weight and available on the go.
  2. It is however necessary to retain paper-based learning resources in Nigeria because of unstable electricity to power digital devices.
  3. Keywords for digital resources are:
    (i) Accessibility;
    (ii) Cost Effectiveness;
    (iii) Compact; and
    (iv) Mobile.