Technology in teaching and learning

Hardwares incle:

  • Handsets
  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Earphones
  • Laptops
  • Cameras
    Softwares include:
  • Learning Management system
  • Computer Applications
  • Computer programmes
  • Youtubes/Podcasts
  • OERs

The specific hardware and software used for teaching and learning may vary, but common hardware tools include computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards, projectors, etc.
Software solutions often encompass learning management systems (e.g., Moodle), office productivity tools (e.g., Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace), and educational applications for subjects like mathematics and language learning.

The Hardware I used is Laptop and the most common software i used for learning is ZOOM. The main challenge I faced with these two technologies was it’s expensive and also data connection has to be there. At times, when we really need to have good connection but the weather also does not favour us, so we have to wait for another time.

Technology in teaching take better advantage of what will given it out to the students. And how to do a good job of keeping up with all the work. Teachers in general tend to feel pretty overwhelmed. Adding a requirement to teach how to use technology would be difficult to implement. Teachers professional development tends to focus on pedagogical techniques to teach a concept and engage students better. I think teachers are willing to learn but given how overwhelmed we can be it works best to have some kind of PD to develop those skills

We use a LMS along with software for synchronous sessions such as zoom. The challenge is that these can be costly to purchase and difficult to maintain. We also have issues when the electricity supply and internet access are unstable.

A list of hardware that I commonly use to support Teaching and Learning.

  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • Tablets
  • Projectors
  • Whiteboards
  • Webcams
  • Headphones

All the above listed, I commonly use the laptops, tablet, projector, headphones (students) and whiteboard

A list of software that I commonly use to support Teaching and Learning.

  1. Video conferencing
  2. Google Classroom
  3. Socrative
  4. Kahoot
  5. Edmodo

Of the listed above, the software that I have commonly used are; google classroom and video conferencing tool.

Thank you, Sammy, for your contribution on this. Your additional list of software and hardware has added value to my knowledge.

Welcome Naliaka. As a community of practice we learn from each other. The value of online learning is the affordable of a discussion forum which is a tool for sharing knowledge.


  1. Microsoft Teams
  2. Operating system
  3. Zoom
  4. Google Meet
    1.Computers with speakers, microphone
  5. Internet failures
  6. Synchronization of time with student
  7. Inadequate time with the students.


  • Laptops
  • Ipads and Tablets
  • Microphones
  • Video Conference tools (logitech)
    for software:
  • LMS based on Moodle
  • Zoom,Meet, wemeet,teams
  • One note
  • Miro
  • Kahoot
  • Mentimeter
  • and many more
  1. The hardware used to support teaching and learning in my context are desktop computers, laptops and smart phones. For software, an LMS is used (mostly Moodle) as well as word processing documents, emailing software and cloud storage.

  2. Some of the challenges in accessing these technologies are:

  • inadequate financing

  • poor Internet connectivity

These affect learning as those that cannot avoid devices such as laptops or smart devices will notbe able to receive the support they need from their teachers.

Hardware : Laptops and phones
Software: Zoom, Microsoft teams, Google meets, WhatsApp
Challenges: Digital skill sets and connectivity


  1. hard drives
  2. monitors
  3. CPU
  4. Scanners
  5. printers


  1. Application software

  2. System software

  3. Middleware

  4. Driver software

  5. Programming software.

well articulated. Thank you for sharing.

Hardware used for lessons are,tablets,desktopsPersonal,phones
Software are moodle platforms,Google Classroom
Google meet, Zoom and WhatsApp
The greatest challenge is accessbility due to poor access to internet and lacl of gadgets

  1. Write down the hardware and software you use to support teaching and learning in your context.
    Hardaware include laptops, phones, Routers,
    Software include whatsapp, video conferencing,virtual learning etc

  2. Share with your peers some of the challenges you face in accessing these technologies and how they affect learning.
    mchallenges include poor or unstable internet connections, lack of data for learners, power outages, lack of skill when using these gadgets

  1. I use hardware (laptops, smartphones, mifis, printers, scanners, projectors, calculators, etc) and software (Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Suite, Accounting Packages, Web Browsers, Social Media Apps, Email Accounts, etc) to support learning in my Institution.
  2. Some of the challenges in accessing these technologies include meagre salary, infrequent device distribution by the institution, lack of subscription for software licence among others.