Assessment as Learner Support

Think of learners in your context; what support do they need to succeed in their studies? You can post your ideas in the discussion forum. Also read posts by your colleagues.

Key Support for Learners’ Success in Their Studies

  1. Education of the highest caliber: It is essential to have access to skilled teachers who can demystify difficult ideas and foster a love of learning. Academic achievement rests on a solid foundation of quality instruction.
  2. Effective Study Resources: For conducting research and improving our comprehension of topics, adequate textbooks, digital resources, and a well-stocked library are essential.
  3. Mentoring and Guidance: Skilled mentors and academic advisers offer essential insights that aid students in overcoming obstacles in the classroom, establishing goals, and determining their future career routes.
  4. Peer Support: A group of peers who share your interests can foster communication, mutual learning, and a sense of belonging. Discussions and study groups are excellent ways to gain a deeper understanding of the material.
  5. Services for wellness and mental health: Academic performance and mental and emotional health are inextricably linked. It is crucial to have access to counseling services and stress management assistance.
  6. Technology Support: In the current digital era, dependable access to hardware, software, and the internet is necessary for online research, remote learning, and successful collaboration with peers and instructors.
  7. Financial Aid: Tuition and living costs might be lessened with the help of scholarships, grants, or low-interest loans.
    Learners can improve their educational experience and considerably increase their chances of success by being aware of these pillars of support. The combination of these factors can enable us to achieve academic success and set us up for a future brimming with opportunity. Let’s talk about how we can enhance these networks of assistance to provide every student a better chance at success in the classroom.

In the context of teaching and learning, learners need variety of support to succeed in their studies. Support for learners is complicated and differs depending on the age, location, and specific needs of the students. This support may include the following:

  1. Access to learning resources – making sure that students have access to textbooks, digital resources and libraries to support their learning.
  2. Effective Teaching – quality instruction from educators who use diverse teaching methods and provide clear explanations.
  3. Individualized support – providing instructions to meet the diverse learning needs of students.
  4. Safe and conducive leaning environment – a classroom that is safe, inclusive and free from discrimination.
  5. Mentoring and guidance – teachers who can provide academic and even persona guidance.
  6. Parent and community engagement – parents and community to support student’s education and well-being.
  7. Financial Support – scholarships, grants and financial assistance for poor and needy students.

For learners to succeed in their studies, they need comprehensive support that encompasses a range of academic, social, and emotional aspects. Here are key areas of support that can contribute to their success:

Quality Education and Resources :

Access to quality education, up-to-date textbooks, educational materials, and a well-structured curriculum is essential. Providing a conducive learning environment with adequate infrastructure, libraries, laboratories, and technology enhances the learning experience.

Skilled and Supportive Teachers :

Highly skilled, motivated, and empathetic teachers who can adapt to various learning styles, provide clear explanations, and offer personalized assistance are crucial. Ongoing professional development for teachers to enhance their teaching methodologies and communication skills is also important.

Individualized Learning Approaches :

Tailoring teaching approaches to individual learners’ needs, strengths, and weaknesses can significantly enhance understanding and retention of academic concepts. Personalized learning plans, differentiated instruction, and adaptive learning technologies can support this approach.

Mental Health and Well-being Services :

Providing access to mental health support, counseling services, and stress management programs can help learners cope with academic pressure, anxiety, and personal challenges that may affect their academic performance and overall well-being.

Parental and Family Involvement :

Encouraging active involvement of parents and families in a child’s education fosters a supportive environment. Regular parent-teacher communication, parent workshops, and involving families in academic decisions can positively impact a student’s motivation and success.

Peer Support and Group Learning :

Promoting peer interactions, group projects, study groups, and collaborative learning can enhance students’ understanding of the material, provide different perspectives, and boost their confidence through shared learning experiences.

Inclusive and Diverse Education :

Fostering an inclusive educational environment that embraces diversity, cultural sensitivity, and understanding of individual differences promotes acceptance, respect, and a sense of belonging among learners.

Community and Extracurricular Involvement :

Encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, community service, volunteering, and leadership opportunities helps learners develop a well-rounded personality, interpersonal skills, and a sense of social responsibility.

Motivational and Inspirational Support :

Providing motivational talks, inspirational role models, mentorship programs, and success stories can inspire and motivate learners to set goals, work hard, and persevere to achieve academic success.

By addressing these areas of support, educational institutions can create an environment that nurtures and empowers learners, enabling them to thrive academically and personally.


In my context students need support in Literacy and Numeracy since they struggle in these areas. They need to be taught the basics well so that they could succeed later.
Students need support in their mental state. This is because in my context there are many social issues affecting the students. There are many single parent and parents having extra marital affairs. These issues affects the students and they are disturbed from learning to their level best. Disturbed students are likely to concentrate very less so teachers have to fill that gap.

Key Support for Learners Success
2. Peer Support
3. Financial Support
4. Parental/Community Engagement
5. Mental Health/Wellbeing

Learners in my context need more of Numeracy support to succeed in their studies. Parental and community engagement is highly needed. Students need to be more attentive in class but they lack concentration due to social issues such as family problems.

Learner’s success in thier studies may include:
Access to technology and reliable internet: In Fiji, many learners do not have access to reliable internet or technology. This can make it difficult for them to complete online assignments, access learning materials, and communicate with their teachers and classmates.
Affordable and high-quality education: The cost of education can be a barrier for many learners in Fiji. This can be especially true for learners from low-income families.
Support with English language learning: English is the language of instruction in many schools in Fiji. However, many learners are not fluent in English. This can make it difficult for them to understand and participate in class.
Support for learners with disabilities: Learners with disabilities may need additional support to succeed in their studies. This support may include access to specialized equipment, tutoring, or modified assignments.
Culturally relevant and responsive teaching: Teaching that is culturally relevant and responsive can help learners to feel more engaged in their studies and to see the value of education.
Mentoring and role models: Learners can benefit from having mentors and role models who can provide them with guidance and support.
Safe and supportive learning environments: Learners need to feel safe and supported in order to learn effectively. This means creating learning environments that are free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
Opportunities to apply their learning to real-world problems: Learners are more likely to be engaged in their studies if they can see how what they are learning is relevant to their lives. Providing learners with opportunities to apply their learning to real-world problems can help them to see the value of education.
Recognition and celebration of success: Learners need to be recognized and celebrated for their successes. This can help them to stay motivated and to continue to strive for excellence. They also need to be awarded at every success. Awarding and positive reinforcement brings more interest in learner.
In addition to these general supports, learners in Fiji may also need specific support depending on their individual circumstances. For example, learners who are living in poverty may need assistance with food, clothing, or transportation. Without basic needs a learner will find more difficult to be suceed in thier future.

In context to teaching and learning in my country, learners need various supports such as literacy and numeracy skills in their everyday to day living. Hence these are the skills they use wherever they go in their everyday living.

However, there are other skills that they need to consider inorder to succeed in thier life,

1 Communication Skills: There continues to be an emphasis on the ability to communicate. In the digital age, however, we have access to a wide variety of new ways to communicate from video-conferencing to social media. Future employers need to be able to communicate with people within their team, as well as people outside of the team
2.Collaboration Skills: Most classrooms foster a culture of competition and independence rather than one of teamwork and collaboration. Future employers will need to quickly adapt to a culture of collaboration. They will need to collaborate with others within and outside of the organization, often using a number of new technologies.

3.Inquiry Skills: The large majority of academic assessments ask students for answers. Rarely do we assess students on how well they can ask questions. The ability to ask great questions, however, is a critical skill that is desperately needed in a culture which requires constant innovations.

4.Technology Skills: Almost every business that I talked to said that employers will need to be skilled at using technology. In the digital age, technology is everywhere. Schools, however, have been slow to adapt to this change. Rarely are students required or taught to learn technology efficiently. This needs to be emphasized.

In the Fijian context, learners need comprehensive support to succeed in their studies. This support should encompass various aspects:

  1. Resource Access: Many Fijian learners face resource limitations, including access to textbooks, technology, and educational materials. Ensuring equitable access to these resources is crucial for their academic success.

  2. Qualified Teachers: Highly qualified and motivated teachers are essential. They should receive continuous professional development to stay updated with best teaching practices.

  3. Curriculum Adaptation: The curriculum should be adapted to reflect the Fijian context, incorporating local examples, values, and customs. This would make learning more relevant and engaging for students.

  4. Small Class Sizes: Efforts to manage and reduce large class sizes are essential. Smaller class sizes allow teachers to provide more individualized attention and support.

  5. Parental Engagement: Encouraging parental involvement and fostering a supportive home learning environment is crucial. Parents should be informed about the importance of education and how to assist their children in their studies.

  6. Mental Health and Well-being: Recognizing and addressing the mental health and well-being of students is vital. Providing counseling services and support for students dealing with emotional and psychological challenges can improve their overall academic performance.

  7. Inclusive Education: Implementing inclusive education practices ensures that all learners, including those with disabilities, have the opportunity to succeed. This may involve tailored support and resources.

By addressing these needs, Fijian learners can thrive academically and develop into well-rounded individuals prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Support for learners is complicated and differs depending on the age, location, and specific needs of the students. This may include the following:

  1. Access to learning resources
  2. Effective Teaching
  3. Individualized support
  4. Safe and conducive learning
  5. Parent and community engagement
  6. Financial Support
  7. Specific Curriculum-not overcrowded
  8. Student Teacher Ratio
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The teaching and learning context need variety of support for the learners to succeed in education.Support for the learners is complicated and differs depending on the age, location, and specific needs of the students.
This support may include the following:

  1. Parental and community engagement- parents and the community members to work hand in hand with teachers to support in children’s learning.
  2. Financial Support- scholarships, grants/aids and financial assistance to be provided for poor and needy.
    3.Access to proper learning resources- all resources to be available especially students to have access to textbooks, digital resources and and library access to support their learning.
  3. Safe and Supportive learning environment- this can be done by creating a friendly, inclusive and safe environment during learning.
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There is a saying that goes like this, “It takes a village to educate the child.” A child’s education relies on the support of his/her community. The most important aspect is that these children should cling to the Lord for he is wisdom and knowledge. These are some ways a child should be supported.

  1. Healthy Environment: A healthy environment includes all that surrounds a student. Environment is the child’s physical appearance, Family environment, spiritual life, School environment and personal environment. In order for a child to live happily and learn effective they should be in a healthy environment, safe from all the problems of this world.

  2. Unlimited Resources: Most schools lack resources. Learning is pointless when there are no resources to work with. Most students are visual learners. If all they are being taught is theory theory theory, that will limit their imagination of reality. On the other hand, being resourceful results to effective learning.

  3. After School tutorials: limited time in classroom affects the slow learners. The fast learners benefits a lot because they tend to understand the content being taught. Non like the low learners, they need extra hours to help them succeed in their weak areas.

  4. Learning center: In my country, some schools don’t have libraries or computer laps. Technology is very fast and they should have access to these things. Libraries plays a huge role in a child’s learning.

  5. Spiritual counselling class: some students come to school with so many problems form home. All they need is counseling. Students will be encouraged to seek the kingdom of the Lord, and all will be added on to them.

Students’ learning needs is important to consider and identify in determining the specific strategies to address them and provide differentiated instruction. Teachers on the other hand require specific assistance in using this strategy in order to provide the best support to their learners.

Leaners support in my situation, Kiribati open schools would be best stated if the following I may mention:

  1. Free access to the internet, if open education sticks to its name, learners to be all-inclusive, be rich, poor or in between, cost of internet access should be affordable to all.
  2. Technologies and appropriate skills should be factors to consider if our learners are to be fully supported.
  3. Global educational support could be considered a priority factor for all learners to be fully supported.

There are various techniques that can foster successes in student’s learning. However, in my context I will say some key factors will include:

  1. Resources to be appropriate and relevant to the learners.
  2. Time is again important
  3. Excess to technologies
  4. Teacher - students interactions
  5. Good communication

Support 21st century learners need to succeed in their studies. General ideas are:

  1. physical support - proper diet and wellness being. At home, parents are responsible for these. At school teachers ensure that support for children are provide. learning resources and materials must be provided
  2. mental/academic support-learning resources to enable them to think and develop their mental capacity to reach their full potential
  3. Social support - need to be told, encouraged and belonged in their learning peers.
  4. Spiritual support - for their faith development.

In my context, learners need alot of parental support. Most parents shows lack of interest in supporting their children education. This hinders their performance in school.

Totally agree with you especially point 1.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Some of key aspects for Learners success
  1. Inclusive learning- catering the diverse learning and using appropriate teaching methods
  2. Peer Support- promoting peer learning or group where students are addressing problem together in groups and create a better learning and understanding.
  3. Parental and Community engagement -parents and community work together to support and guidance the students with the help of teachers.
  4. Financial Support-access to scholarship for the needy and poor.
  5. Safe and Supportive learning environment- creating a environment where students feel safe and also provide a friendly supportive to create learning environment.