Empowering Curriculum

In Fiji, some major problems faced by our youths are:

  1. Transition and Identity
  2. Social and Peer pressure
  3. Mental Health Challenges
  4. Education and Employment
  5. Technology and Social Media

But, here are some programmes that can be offered in Schools to address these issues:

Transition and Identity: Youth often grapple with identity formation, including questions related to values, beliefs, and career choices. They go through significant life transitions such as moving from school to work or higher education.

Social and Peer Pressure: Young people are susceptible to peer pressure, which can influence behaviors, decisions, and even lead to risky behaviors like substance abuse.

Mental Health Challenges: Adolescence and early adulthood can be a time of increased vulnerability to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

Education and Employment: Many youth face challenges related to access to quality education and employment opportunities, which

Life Skills and Career Development: Courses that focus on life skills such as decision-making, communication, and emotional intelligence can help youth navigate transitions and build resilience. Career counseling and vocational training programs can assist in making informed career choices.

Mental Health and Well-being Workshops: Educational modules that promote mental health awareness, stress management, and emotional well-being can be incorporated. These could include mindfulness training and counseling services.

Flexible Learning Paths: Open schools can provide flexible schedules and self-paced learning to accommodate students dealing with social or economic pressures, allowing them to continue their education without undue stress.

Online Safety and Digital Literacy: Given the prominence of technology and social media, programs focusing on online safety, responsible digital behavior, and digital literacy can help youth navigate the online world safely.

Peer Support and Mentorship Programs: Creating opportunities for peer support and mentorship can help address issues related to social and peer pressure. These programs can provide a sense of belonging and guidance.

Community Engagement and Service-Learning: Encouraging youth to engage in community service and service-learning projects can promote a sense of purpose and social responsibility.

Personalized Learning Plans: Each studentā€™s unique needs and challenges can be addressed through personalized learning plans that adapt to their strengths and weaknesses.

Parent and Family Involvement: Educational programs can include components to educate parents and families about the challenges youth face and how they can support their children effectively.

Experiential Learning and Project-Based Education: Incorporating hands-on, project-based learning can make education more engaging and relevant for youth, helping them develop practical skills and apply knowledge.

These programs can be tailored to the specific needs and demographics of the students in the open school system to effectively address the challenges faced by youth.

  1. Access to quality education and skill developing institutes such as vocational training centres.
  • access to online learning and communication

  • awareness on uses of mass media , technology and cultural preservations.

  • language skill developing proficiency in different languages to enhance understanding of various cultures.

  1. In rural schools (interior) skill development and vocational training centres will provide various career opportunities that are in demand in the market.

Youth needs in Fiji.

  1. Open schools can provide better education for youths which will guarantee employment opportunities for them

  2. Open schools will provide counselling which will enable them to have healthy relationships which will decrease crime rates.

  3. Provides variety of skills and knowledge acquired for various employment sector locally and internationally

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Youth, characterized by individuals in the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood, have various life needs that can include:

  1. Education: Youths need access to quality education and training to develop skills and knowledge for future opportunities.

  2. Healthcare: Proper healthcare and mental health support are essential for their well-being.

  3. Employment Opportunities: Access to job opportunities, internships, or vocational training to help them establish their careers.

  4. Social Relationships: Building and maintaining friendships and social networks is crucial for their emotional and social development.

  5. Housing: Safe and affordable housing options, especially for those living independently.

  6. Financial Literacy: Knowledge and skills in managing finances to make informed decisions and become financially independent.

  7. Civic Engagement: Opportunities to participate in their communities, express their views, and contribute positively to society.

  8. Recreation and Leisure: Access to recreational activities and outlets for self-expression, relaxation, and personal growth.

  9. Identity Development: Space and support to explore and form their identities, including values, beliefs, and personal goals.

  10. Independence: Opportunities for increasing autonomy and independence from their families.

  11. Safety and Security: A secure environment to protect them from physical and emotional harm.

  12. Mentorship and Guidance: Access to mentors and role models who can provide guidance and support during this transitional period.

These life needs are essential for youths to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities of this stage of life and to become responsible and contributing members of society.

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List of Youth Characteristics and Life Needs in Samoa:

  1. Academic Support: Many youth in Samoa require academic support, including tutoring and study skills, to excel in their studies.
  2. Career Guidance: Youth need guidance and counseling to explore career options and make informed decisions about their future.
  3. Technical and Vocational Skills: There is a need for training in technical and vocational skills that align with the job market demands in Samoa.
  4. Entrepreneurship Development: Encouraging and supporting youth in developing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to promote self-employment and job creation.
  5. Financial Literacy: Providing education on financial management, budgeting, and saving to help youth make sound financial decisions and plan for their future.
  6. Environmental Awareness: Promoting environmental awareness and sustainability practices to instill a sense of responsibility in the youth towards their natural resources.
  7. Digital Literacy: Equipping youth with digital literacy skills to adapt to the growing digital economy and technological advancements.
  8. Health and Well-being: Promoting health education, mental well-being, and healthy lifestyle choices among youth, addressing issues like substance abuse and mental health challenges.
  9. Cultural Preservation: Encouraging youth to embrace and preserve their cultural heritage through cultural education, language, and traditional skills.
  10. Civic Engagement: Fostering civic education and encouraging youth participation in community development, leadership, and decision-making processes.

Suggested Offerings for Open Schooling in Samoa:

  1. Online Tutoring and Academic Support: Providing online tutoring services in core subjects, including math, science, and English, to support academic excellence.
  2. Career Counseling and Workshops: Conducting career counseling sessions and organizing workshops to assist youth in exploring career opportunities and making informed choices.
  3. Technical and Vocational Training: Offering online courses or programs in technical and vocational skills, such as carpentry, plumbing, hospitality, and agriculture, to meet the skills demands of the job market.
  4. Entrepreneurship Development Programs: Organizing online entrepreneurship programs, workshops, and competitions to nurture entrepreneurial skills among youth.
  5. Financial Literacy Courses: Offering online courses on financial literacy, budgeting, and saving to promote responsible financial management.
  6. Environmental Awareness Campaigns: Conducting online campaigns and workshops to raise awareness about environmental issues, conservation, and sustainable practices.
  7. Digital Skills Training: Providing online courses or workshops to enhance digital literacy skills, including computer literacy, coding, and digital marketing.
  8. Health and Wellness Education: Developing online resources and programs to promote health education, mental well-being, and healthy lifestyle choices.
  9. Cultural Education Initiatives: Creating online platforms and resources to educate youth about their cultural heritage, language, and traditional skills.
  10. Civic Engagement Programs: Organizing online workshops, seminars, and projects to encourage youth participation in community development and leadership.

Additional Needs:

  • Soft Skills Development: Offering online courses or workshops to develop soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are essential for employment.
  • Internship and Job Placement Services: Collaborating with local businesses and organizations to provide internship and job placement opportunities for youth.
  • Mentorship Programs: Establishing mentorship programs where experienced professionals can guide and support youth in their personal and professional growth.
  • Access to Scholarships and Financial Aid: Facilitating information and access to scholarship opportunities and financial aid for youth pursuing higher education or vocational training.

By considering the needs of other students and the specific context of Samoa, I would add the above additional needs to my list.

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Some Iimportant characteristics of youths/students life needs in Fiji include:
ā€¢ They need to Access to quality education
ā€¢ They need to Access to technology
ā€¢ Take part in Careers Expo or Open Day
ā€¢ Job Practicalā€™s/Apprenticeships
Following are some ways open schools can provide the life skills for youths.

  1. Youths need access to quality education
    Open schools to offer wide range of courses in vocational schools/TEST and youths to be equally treated during their duration at school.The TEST sections include computer education, Agriculture, Home Economics and Industrial Arts.
  2. Access to technology
    Open schools to provide trainings to youths to make them computer literate through online classes or E-learning.
  3. Apprenticeship/Job Practicalā€™s
    Open school can liaise with the relevant stakeholders/business/factories to allow their students to get apprenticeship and on job site training which will boost their job skills.
  4. Open Day/Careers Awareness
    Open schools can organize open day for youths so that they can choose the right career path.
    As mentioned above the TEST sections is where the country needs to focus on since this area is negligible and most youths who are qualified in this area have migrated to other countries.

Life needs for young people in my country Vanuatu:

  1. Access to quality general education
  • Every youths must have access to a school with the same quality. Schools that offer skilled and short term courses such as the vocational trainings can effectively mold an individual with the various skills required for the community and the country as a whole.
  1. Lack of financial capital
  • Lack of money has changed the views of an individual to give up school for less paid jobs and also not to perform well and leave school for seasonal employment.
    Therefore, open school provided the online learning engages an individual to focus and pay close attention to the life skills required to be taught.
    Open school can engage the young youths to have access to free online schooling to upbring the basic skills required based on their interests.
  1. Job placements
    -Newly graduates find themselves strangled with finding new work places to enjoy their ability to think and showcase their skills in their required fields. Therefore, they ended up transitioning themselves to work in areas that do not correlate with the program studied. However, in this case, open schools can help to cooperate with business houses and the Public Service Commission for effective job placements.

In Fiji, youths may need the following.

  1. Access to quality education. More vocational centers around the country especially in the outer islands with wide range of courses rather than focusing on a single course.

  2. Access to internet. My experience as a teacher in one of the islands in Fiji, internet is a barrier in pursuing studies.

  3. Community Engagement. Engage youths in community service to create a sense of belonging and civic pride


I strongly believe that todays youths are natural leaders. Youths in Fiji in terms of their life needs:

  1. Passion of Learning
    This will develop their skills in all the key areas as they will explore more and this will allow them to gain experiences and grow in confidence.

  2. Strong Communication Skills
    Having said that this will make a person speak effectively and freely.

I suggest that we need to encourage and support our youths with positive reinforcement which will make them feel good and will help them break out of the box.

Thank you.

  1. Think of the youths in your context and list their characteristics in terms of their life needs. List these needs on paper and discuss with your colleague who is also a teacher, or someone working in education. You can also consult employment survey reports from the relevant government ministry in your country, like the Ministry of Labor, to understand skills gaps in the economy.
    The following are the characteristics of youth:
    i. Being digitally competent
    ii. Independent to be able to do everything by yourself in terms of living life
    iii. Competent in all areas of life-personal and professional and to be able to fit into the society
    iv. Giving a helping hand to others when others are in in need
    v. To be able to make choices which are best for them

According International Labor Organization Fiji experiences severe labour shortages which result from the ongoing emigration of skilled labour, as well as low levels of workplace competence. The most severe shortage of skilled workers is in the area of nursing. There is also a strong demand for competent tradespersons, particularly in the construction industry.

  1. Draw up a list of suggested offerings for open schooling in your country based on the identified needs of youth and on skills gaps identified.

Open schooling in Fiji refers to a flexible and inclusive education system that caters to the needs of youth who are unable to access formal schooling or have dropped out of the traditional education system. It aims to provide alternative pathways for learning and skill development, addressing the identified needs of youth and bridging the skills gaps prevalent in the country. To suggest offerings for open schooling in Fiji, it is essential to consider both the specific needs of youth and the skills gaps that have been identified.

To begin with, the needs of youths should be identified in terms of accessibility and the challenges faced. Some are not able to complete their education and are dropouts due to financial difficulties, living too far from the major education venues and family responsibilities. If learning is flexible it will allow the youths to learn at their own pace and time which will give them a chance to balance education with other responsibilities.

Moreover, the curriculum used should help students become completely employable by equipping them with both practical and theoretical knowledge and abilities. Along with academic preparation, it ought to promote social-emotional development, critical thinking, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, the development of skills that are in demand on the labor market and support the broader socioeconomic growth of the nation should be given priority in open schooling programs to alleviate the skills gaps that are pervasive among Fijian youth. The following are a few of the crucial skills deficits found in Fiji:

(i) Open education programs that provide technical and vocational training in industries including construction, agriculture, hospitality, tourism, information technology, and renewable energy are needed. For career chances in Fijiā€™s expanding sectors, certain skills are necessary.

(ii) Should have the chance to enhance their entrepreneurial and business knowledge. This includes programs in marketing, financial literacy, business management, and innovation. These competencies are essential for self-employment

(iii) Employers place a great priority on soft skills including leadership, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Activities and lessons that concentrate on helping students acquire these abilities should be included in open schooling.


The Ministry of youth reaffirms that they will continue to identify the needs of youth around Fiji, provide necessary training and help improve the youth daily livelihood.

The characteristic of youth in Fiji in term of their life need as follow:

  • Access to quality education
  • Access to technology
  • Conduct skillful training
  • Build better relationship

Pursuing a opening school to young youths leads them the opportunity to immerse themselves in the trade allowing them.
Here are some ways in which open school in Fiji can provide the life skills needs for youth:

  • Access to quality education
    The youth of Fiji requires better access to education. Open school can balance between purely academic track and a vocational and skills development track. Their level skills are essential that it will make more young people more employable. Thus, this quality education on young youth will reducing the problem of youth unemployment.

  • Access to technology
    Open school provide better technology. In this 21st century almost all youths are into technology whereby it will be easier for them to use technology system. The results show that the use of technological resources provides vocational schools with the necessary capabilities to explore trends in social demands and the job market and reduce the gap between academy and industry.

  • Conduct skillful training
    It provides skill based learning and focuses on how to transfer practical skills. Also enables young people and those already in work to develop the skills, experience and competencies demanded by employers, in a fast-changing global economy. In addition, the young youths will have;

  • skill development and employability and

  • value of graduating with work skills
    When employers look for new employees to join their institution, they know that they want to find someone who has the skills to do the job well and can adapt quickly to the work environment.
    [Vocational schools help with bridging the skills gap between work and education.]

  • Build better relationship
    Open school build better relationship of young youth with each other. It will helps youth to work together with peers to get through to their dreaming job. By busy working together with a project will keep them away from doing vulnerable things such as alcohol and drugs. Moreover, it also building strong networks for students before graduating. Through a vocation-based education, students have an excellent opportunity to build a strong network that will enhance their learning experience and the rest of their professional careers. With a vocation-based training program, students work more closely with their fellow students and their trainers on their coursework. Since less time is spent independently researching and writing papers and more time is spent in class working on projects and learning practical skills, students naturally develop better and closer relationships with their classmates. Their fellow students transition from being people they simply sit next to in the lecture hall into partners with whom they work during projects and internships.

Similarly, students have more opportunities to get to know their professors. With skills-based training, students work more directly with their trainers. The hands-on opportunities they have to work during their coursework let them complete projects, engage with work tasks, and learn specialized techniques under the direct supervision of the trainer. Trainers are there to provide support and students have opportunities to speak with them and engage with more one-to-one time. This builds relationships and can help students find professional mentors for the transition to the business world. Through internship opportunities, students expand this relationship horizon into the work world, even before graduation.


Some characteristics and life needs of youth in Fiji are:

  1. Education and employment
    Youths of today face a lot of challenges in education, where they do not have access to quality education due to financial difficulties they are facing at home. Not having a proper education and qualification leads them not to secure employment opportunities.

Having open schools will create an opportunity for this youths because they are able to access quality education through the courses available, and some might have the opportunity to secure employment.

  1. Mental Health Difficulties.
    Many youths are facing mental health difficulties. They tend to think that they are not capable of achieving good things in life. Having these kinds of feelings and emotions, they struggle to get along in life with family members and friends. They tend to shut them out of opportunity because they have been degraded or told that they are good for nothing.

Having open schools will help them go through mental health difficulties with others who are able to share their stories. it will create awareness to face difficulties if no support is given from home. creating awareness on mental health difficulties will boost they morale to achieve something in life.

  1. Access to the internet and technology

Some youths today do not have the opportunity to access to internet due to the fact that they do not have mobile phones. The use of technology would be a disadvantage due to not having access to it.

Having an open school will be a means of opportunities for youth to get access to technology and the internet. These will be hands-on activities whereby they will be able to use technology for any purpose in regards to upgrading their education by having to access online courses.

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Characteristics of Fijian Youths:

  1. Diverse Backgrounds: Fijian youths come from diverse cultural, social, and economic backgrounds, and education should be inclusive and culturally sensitive.
  2. Digital Natives: Growing up in the digital age, Fijian youths are comfortable with technology and often seek education that integrates digital tools and platforms.
  3. High Unemployment: Many Fijian youths face challenges in finding employment due to limited job opportunities, especially in rural areas.
  4. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Thereā€™s a growing interest in entrepreneurship among Fijian youths. They are keen to develop practical skills that enable them to start their businesses.
  5. Climate Concerns: Fijian youths are often deeply concerned about climate change and environmental sustainability. Education should address these issues.

Suggested Offerings for Open Schooling in Fiji:

  1. Digital Literacy Courses: Offer online courses that teach digital literacy skills, including basic computer use, internet navigation, and coding, to help youths in leveraging technology for education and employment.
  2. Vocational Training: Provide vocational and technical training in high-demand fields such as agriculture, tourism, and healthcare to equip youths with employable skills.
  3. Entrepreneurship Programs: Create entrepreneurship courses that guide students through the process of starting and managing a business. These courses should include practical knowledge about business planning, financial management, and marketing.
  4. Environmental Education: Develop courses on environmental sustainability, conservation, and climate change adaptation to empower youths to address local and global environmental challenges.
  5. Life Skills Workshops: Offer workshops and courses focusing on essential life skills like communication, problem-solving, and financial literacy.
  6. Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs that connect young people with experienced professionals who can guide and support their personal and career development.
  7. Community Engagement: Encourage community involvement through open schooling projects that address local needs, fostering a sense of responsibility and citizenship.

Open schooling programs can be designed to address the needs of youth and bridge skills gaps. These programs should be flexible, accessible, and responsive to the diverse needs of students. Hereā€™s a list of suggested offerings for open schooling based on identified youth needs and skills gaps:

  1. Flexible Curriculum Options:
  • Offer a variety of courses, including core subjects, vocational training, and life skills education, allowing students to choose what aligns with their interests and career aspirations.
  1. Mentorship Programs:
  • Provide mentorship opportunities to connect youth with experienced individuals who can guide them in career choices and personal development.
  1. Career Counselling:
  • Offer career counselling services to help students explore potential career paths, set goals, and plan for the future.
  1. Digital Literacy Training:
  • Include courses on digital literacy to ensure that students are proficient in using technology for learning and employment.
  1. Work-Integrated Learning:
  • Develop partnerships with local businesses and organizations to provide work-integrated learning opportunities, such as internships and apprenticeships.
  1. Adulting Skills:
  • Offer life skills courses that cover financial literacy, time management, decision-making, and other skills necessary for independent living.
  1. Mental Health and Well-being Support:
  • Provide access to mental health resources, counselling services, and information on stress management and well-being.
  1. Inclusive Education:
  • Ensure that the program is inclusive and caters to the diverse needs of all students, including those with disabilities or different learning styles.
  1. Scholarships and Financial Aid:
  • Assist students in finding and applying for scholarships and financial aid to overcome financial barriers to education.
  1. Language and Communication Skills:
  • Offer courses in effective communication, public speaking, and language skills to enhance employability.
  1. Civic Engagement and Leadership Training:
  • Promote civic engagement by offering courses in community service, leadership development, and social responsibility.
  1. Diverse Learning Materials:
  • Utilize a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, interactive apps, and e-books to cater to different learning styles.
  1. Support for Students with Learning Disabilities:
  • Develop tailored support systems and resources for students with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or ADHD.
  1. Flexible Scheduling:
  • Allow students to access courses at their own pace, accommodating those who may have work or family responsibilities.
  1. Recognition of Prior Learning:
  • Create pathways for students to receive credit for previous learning experiences or skills, ensuring they can fast-track their education.
  1. Community Engagement Projects:
  • Encourage students to participate in community projects, fostering a sense of responsibility and social awareness.
  1. Parent and Family Support:
  • Provide resources and workshops for parents and families to better support their childrenā€™s education.
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation:
  • Regularly assess the effectiveness of the open schooling program, gather feedback from students, and make improvements accordingly.
  1. Global Awareness and Cultural Competence:
  • Include courses on global issues, diversity, and cultural competency to prepare students for a diverse and interconnected world.
  1. Personalized Learning Plans:
  • Assist students in creating personalized learning plans that align with their individual goals and aspirations.

These offerings can help address the needs and skills gaps of youth, providing them with a well-rounded education and support for personal and professional development. Open schooling programs should continuously adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of their students.


Characteristics of Fijian Youths

Digital Literacy and technology - in this 21st century technology is a growing tool for the youths and majority where to go about when comes to mobile phones and online materials.ā€™

Sports and recreation - majority of Fijian youths are migrating to other countries for sports and they support their family back in Fiji.
Life skills Training - including vocational training are conducted and it is demanding in terms of employment opportunities.


Community Engagementā€¦
Youths need to participate alot in community work, in doing so they are able to familiarise themselves to things that are beyond their limit and beyond what they know. they tend to have better relationships with community. Sharing of ideas can also help them to learn new things

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  1. Post - pandemic, changes that were gradually gaining traction in youths were enormously expedited. As a high school educator, these changes are inevitable, yet the onus is on us to mitigate its effects and outcomes. Consequently, the characteristics of the youths in my context in terms of their life needs have also shifted in paradigm, some of which are:
    i. more tech savvy and tech dependent.
    ii. more entrepreneurial oriented
    iii. piqued interest for challenges and new things (tend to get bored easily with traditional pedagogies)
    iv. increased preference for adult social settings with adult guidance
    v. setting goals and future plans.
    The skills gap in our economy according to an ILO publication (2010 -2012), Fiji has a severe labor shortage in nursing. Though this report is more than a decade old, it still holds true to a certain degree with our current labor market. According to the Annual Paid Employment Statistics -2019 which was released on January 2022, out of the 20 major industries that were registered, the Human Health and Social work activities ranked 9th.Information and Communication industry ranked 13th despite the rapid move towards becoming an e-society. According to the report there is also shortage in competent highly skilled trades persons who can deliver world class expertise. Most finishings, tiling, plastering, painting in the major hotels are done by expatriates. These also includes high-quality cooks.
    "Wholesale and Retail Trade: Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles had the largest number of employees in the 20 registered major industries.

  2. While open schooling is not new to the Pacific Islands, the vast changes to our socioeconomic environment post -pandemic, gives rise to new employment needs for our youths. Some of these include:
    -provision of world class skills-based training in:
    i. networks and IT - as Fiji becomes more digitised and being a part of the global village.
    ii. environment management - to mitigate the increasing challenges of climate change in the country.
    iii. OHS - to align our standard of safety to the developed world.
    iv. construction- includes finishing, tiling, plastering, plumbing, electrical wiring, air conditioning.
    v. beauty and therapy - many of our high-quality spas are owned and operated by expatriates.
    vi. Agriculture - due spurt and advancement in the agriculture sector.
    vii. Cookery and pastry
    In addition, open schooling can provide both local and international internship as well as increased community partnership to cater for our rural communities.

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In my context, young people have a great need for autonomy and personal development. For them to shape their future, access to high-quality education and employment prospects is necessary. Additionally, they look for situations that encourage inclusivity, sociability, and freedom of expression. Moreover, they require access to better technology, networks, and facilities to aid them in their venture. They also value the tools and assistance available to them so they may improve their communities. On the other hand, youths need a good foundation, such as a good curriculum that supports them in their real-life situations, to overcome obstacles.

The needs of its learners, offerings for open schooling could include:

Vocational and Skills Training:Offer vocational training programs that equip students with practical skills in various trades and professions.
Distance Learning- Develop online or correspondence courses that allow students to study at their own pace and on their own schedule, especially in remote areas.
Customized Learning Pathways: Allow students to choose their learning pathways, set their learning goals, and select from a variety of subjects and courses that match their interests and needs.
Access to Learning Resources and technology: Ensure that students have access to learning resources, including textbooks, online materials, and educational tools, laptops, smartphones, tablets, often free of charge or at affordable prices.
Tutoring and Support Services: Offer tutoring and academic support to help students overcome challenges and achieve their educational goals.
Special Needs and Inclusive Education: Create programs that cater to students with special needs, including those with disabilities, and ensure inclusivity and accessibility.
Language Courses-Provide courses in multiple languages, including regional or indigenous languages, to reach a broader audience.
Life Skills and Personal Development-Incorporate courses that focus on life skills, personal development, and financial literacy to equip students with essential life skills.
Extracurricular Activities-Encourage the participation of open schooling students in extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports to foster a well-rounded education but during leisure time or during breaks.
E-Libraries and Learning Centers-Set up e-libraries and learning centers where students can access educational materials, receive guidance, and connect with peers.

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In Fiji there are need for skilled workers such as : carpenters , mechanics , panel beaters , electritians and plumbers
For open schooling there is a need for offerings to develop the above skills.

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Characteristics and life needs of youths in Fiji includes:

a. Digital literacy and use of technology
b. Access to quality education and training
c. Financial literacy and economic independence
d. Mental health and well-being support
e. Civic engagement and community involvement
f. Environmental awareness and sustainability
g. Access to affordable healthcare
j. Housing and basic amenities.

Suggested offerings for open schooling may include:

a. Online courses in digital skills and IT training
b. Flexible and affordable vocational training programs
c. Career advise and job placement services
d. Financial literacy workshops and entrepreneurship programs- to make a better living
e. Online mental health resources and counseling services
f. Community engagement and volunteer opportunities
g. Environmental education and sustainability workshops
h. Access to healthcare information and resources
i. Housing and basic amenities assistance programs