Staff retention

Learning activity 4

The staff leave an organization due to many reasons which includes continuing for further studies or to upgrade qualification. When employees have opportunities for higher paying jobs they can try to join another job. During the teaching career some employees can leave organization to change working environment or join family members.

The figure five shows different push factors for employee turnover in an organization. According to figure five some reasons can be work stress when an employee can not accomplish the outcomes in time allocated. When employee can not complete all the work assigned resulting in work load where they encounter challenges. During the career employees can be provided with different examples on how to do the work with time allocation. Through the professional development session employees can be explained about how to plan effectively with different strategies.

The organization uses different strategies to encourage students taking teacher training courses and providing guidance when they want to join the profession. When students want to join the university, they are explained about the requirement with the course structure. During the study they are also guided by the institution on how to become effective teachers with different strategies which can be utilized during different situation.

When teachers want to join the profession, they refer to the vacancy provided and after they join the profession they are also guided. The teachers are also provided with professional development session so that they can upgrade their skills to become effective teachers. During the career they are also provided with resources and safe working environment so that they can do the work effectively.

I believe the main contributing factor is Poor Pay and High Cost of Living.
This can be solved by increasing pay so that staff can afford the high standard of living.

Some reasons Why staff leaves my organisation are:

  1. green pastures
  2. job opportunities
  3. further studies
  4. relocate - join other family members
  5. work environment
    The push factor in figure 5 that might apply to my organisation is:
    salary. Teachers resign to go for high paid salary in overseas countries together with getting better facilities for their children that they would receive in that country compared to their own country.
    How can each factor be addressed to improve staff retention in your organisation?
  • More training is need for teachers on newly introduced things in school.

  • Reduction of documentation and paperwork so that teachers spend quality time with children teaching and learning.

  • Re-looking at teacher- student ratio, composite teaching.
    Work stress

  • Comes with the workload exacerbating when teachers carry their workload home. Reducing the workload would help reduce work stress.


  • Upgrading salary to the amount of work they do will also help combat the problem of teacher turnover.
    Job satisfaction

  • Teachers need to be paid a better salary than the current amount.

  • Workload re addressed.

  • teachers need to be recognized and rewarded for their work by the employers.
    Family Conflicts

  • There needs to be work life balance for teachers. Most teachers have to take paperwork home as they do not find time in school. This may be a factor that causes conflicts as they are able to give in time for the family.

Reasons for staff leaving the organization may include:

  1. Work stress- solving childcare issues and insufficient time.
    2 work load _ curriculum changes very fast so officers find difficulties in adopting new curriculum in teaching and learning
  2. Poor pay- Inadequate compensation can be a significant factor in staff turnover. Some teachers even graduate with their required full qualification but pay are not updated on time.
    Ways to retain staff can be:
    More teamork and proper time management is needed.
    Proffessional Development- Offer opportunities for skill development and career growth, including training and mentorship programs.effectively for inclusive education for betterment of the nation.
    Pay needs to be updated on time as teachers qualification and performance. Regularly review and adjust compensation packages to ensure they remain competitive in the industry. When employees feel they are fairly compensated, they are more likely to stay with the organization.

Reasons for leaving:

  1. Workload and Stressful working Environment
    Demanding documentations and paperwork overloaded as a result lack of support leads to staff turnover.

  2. Higher Paying Jobs
    Not happy with what Teachers get because of stagnant salary for a long period of time.

  3. Job Satisfaction
    Due to study and Greener pastures.

Areas for improvement:

  • Recognition and appreciation for Teachers in an institution.
  • Increase salary ased on Teacher Performance to meet the cost of living.
  • Treat everyone equally and create a friendly workibg environment.

In Solomon islands here are some reasons why some staffs can leave their organization.

  1. Salary- releveling
    This is what happens to most teachers, they sign the offer from the authority which spell certain level of the salary but the actual pay tell the different story. (high level=low pay)
  2. Family conflict
    Some staff may have family issues within or outside of their family.
    However as school leaders we need to be more familiar and flexible with our other colique teachers so we can share and discuss our personalities.

This is quite simple, in the case of my institution, the Reasons are, among others:

  1. Very little pay
  2. Work load
  3. Lack of supportive resources

Generally speaking, our institution is a religious institution with the idea that work Trust in God for others not met in the work contracts
Push factors are the following with possibilities of mitigating them:
Workloadstrong text - Teachers in particular should not be encaged in the work supervision, concentrate on the classroom work only… I can talk on and on, but am sure we all experiece the same when our institution does not have the capital.

Reasons for staff leaving the organization may include:

  1. Work load and work stress.
    2.Recognition and appreciation.
  2. Compensation.
  3. Salary- pay not updated after the graduation and qualification upgrade.
  4. Job satisfaction- getting a better and well paid job else where.

Some factors to improve staff retention are:

  1. Work life balance to be promoted by introducing flexible work arrangements and monitoring work loads to prevent burden.
  2. Recognition and appreciation for teachers.
  3. Salary to be upgraded as per the qualification update.
  1. Consider some of the reasons why staff leave your organisation. (Note that there are also good reasons why staff sometimes leaves an organisation).

-Some go to advance their careers and for better opportunities. Other go due to promotions they get and they get an opportunity to work and learn in a new environment.

-Some leave because of flexibility in employment such as virtual work arrangement, flexible hours of work, and less stress with less load.

-Some staff keep working without any incentives for years, no health benefits or bonuses etc so they get tired of the same environment and leave for better.

-Some leave because they feel they are not valued and to some extent feel deprived of support and professional development. Lesser chance to training and development.

In the discussion forum, list some of the ways your organisation uses to attract and retain staff.
By focusing on creating a positive work culture, providing opportunities for growth and development, recognizing employee achievements, and fostering open communication channels.

Some of the common push factors and how they might apply to an organization.

  1. Lack of Career Growth: When employees feel their careers are stagnant or there are limited opportunities for advancements/ promotions within the organization, they may be more likely to leave.
  2. Inadequate Compensation: If employees believe they are not fairly paid for their work, they might seek better-paying opportunities elsewhere. Very common in Fiji at the moment
  3. Poor Work-Life Balance: A lack of work-life balance can lead to burnout and stress, making employees want to leave for positions offering a better balance.
  4. Inadequate Training and Development: Employees may seek other opportunities if they feel their skills are not being nurtured or if the organization doesn’t provide opportunities for learning and growth.
  5. Conflict with Management or Co-workers: A negative work environment marked by conflicts with superiors or colleagues can drive employees away.
  6. Inadequate Recognition and Appreciation: Employees who do not feel appreciated or recognized for their efforts may be more inclined to leave.
    Addressing Push Factors to Improve Staff Retention:
  7. Career Growth: Provide clear pathways for career advancement and professional development. Encourage employees to set and achieve career goals within the organization.
  8. Compensation: Regularly review compensation packages to ensure they are competitive with the market. Offer performance-based bonuses or incentives to reward and retain top performers.
  9. Work-Life Balance: Promote work-life balance by implementing flexible work arrangements and monitoring workloads to prevent overburdening employees.
  10. Training and Development: Invest in continuous learning and development programs, including mentorship and skills training, to help employees grow within the organization.
  11. Conflict Resolution: Establish effective conflict resolution mechanisms and offer training in conflict management and communication skills. Ensure a respectful and inclusive workplace culture.
  12. Recognition and Appreciation: Implement a robust recognition program that includes regular feedback, praise, and acknowledgment for employees’ contributions. Recognize and celebrate achievements.
  1. Consider some of the reasons why staff leave your organisation. (Note that there are also good reasons why staff sometimes leaves an organisation).

Some of the reasons are workload, new challenges, school situations, salary, and personal circumstances
a. Workload Being a teacher is not an easy job. Teachers are required to teach their students, complete paperwork, lesson plans, assessments, evaluation etc. Teachers are required to teach to national standards and their students must pass external exams. Teachers are spending a lot of time doing school work. These can be hard and frustrating.
b. New Challenges Disruptive or troublesome students can make a teacher’s job more difficult and by having to deal with the students and in some cases having to take disciplinary action.
c. School Situation Geographical setting of the school can play a major role in affecting a teacher’s decision on whether to leave the profession. Amongst reasons for teachers leaving are cultural differences and professional isolation, extracurricular activities. Lack of administrative support can damage teachers’ self-esteem, poor facilities cause teachers to become frustrated, and insufficient mentoring leaves the teacher with nowhere to look for advice cause teachers to leave.
d. Personal Circumstances The most common personal circumstance that causes teachers to leave is family. This includes pregnancy, family time, and taking care of family. Age is another personal circumstance that causes teachers to leave. Teachers approaching retirement usually leave the teaching profession
e. Salary Teachers also leave the profession in search for better pay.

  1. Think about which push factors in Figure 5 might apply to your organisation? How can each factor be addressed to improve staff retention in your organisation? Write down your thoughts. If you have an opportunity, share your thoughts with one of your colleagues.
    Push Factors/ how to address them.
    a. Workload: work with manageable class sizes, providing support, balance personal life with work.
    b. Salary: Unions can negotiate the salary bands, and fringe benefits
    c. Job Satisfaction: recognizing teacher achievements, providing opportunities for professional growth
    d. Work Stress: involve stress management programs, wellness, and support systems for teachers.

  2. In the discussion forum, list some of the ways your organisation uses to attract and retain staff.

Attract and Retention Strategies:
a. Professional Development: The school can attract and retain teachers by offering ongoing professional development opportunities so that teachers can enhance their skills and advance in their careers.
b. Inclusive Work Environment: the school can promoting an inclusive work environment so that teachers feel a sense of belonging and value.
c. Teacher Recognition: the school must acknowledge the teachers achievements through awards.
d. Community Engagement: The school must involve the local community in school activities
e. Competitive Compensation: the school can offer competitive compensation packages and benefits.
f. Clear Career Path: the school must provide a clear career path for teachers with opportunities for advancement and leadership roles.

In Papua new Guinea there are many reasons why staff leave organization. It maybe to do with workloads, salary, family conflict and abuses that pushed them out from an organization. The most common pushed factor that affects the staff are as follows;

  1. Location of the organization
    Most staff feel unsafe to travel to rural areas for work even though they were selected. This neglect may due to basic services, resources and health issues.

  2. Accomodation
    Most organizations does not provide houses for their staff. Therefore a staff with family find difficult to work and can be pushed out.

Therefore in order to attract staff to an organization. All accommodation must be provided for every staff with quality services in place to keep every staff in an organization. Other necessary needs can be considered due to their interests to keep the working environment and conditions of every staff healthy and safe. This can keep the interest of all staff to remain and participate fully in every work they do.

  1. These are some of the reasons I mentioned in the previous activity and how i feel it should be addressed.


  • personal reasons
  • low salary
  • study
  • migration and job opportunities overseas
  • neglection


  • increase in salary
  • availability of teacher-aids
  • housing incentives and child care support
  • incentive bonuses
  • easier and less expensive online courses
  1. Work stress
  • inability to manage time well
  • strained relationships amongst staff
  • cannot multi-task
  • work condition


  • conduct effective time management skills training with daily monitoring
  • teacher bonding activities at and outside of work
  • own multi-tasking training
  • provide a safe and proper working condition

Family conflict

  • lack of family support
  • interest differences
  • too many personal demands


  • provide professional work and family counselling
  • monitor staff progress
  • pay increase
  • incentive bonuses
  • full time work guarantee

Staff turnover can be influenced by various factors, and it’s essential for organizations to identify and address these issues to improve retention. The push factors in Figure 5, which typically drive employees away from an organization, can include:

  1. Lack of Career Growth Opportunities:

    • Address by implementing clear career development plans, providing training opportunities, and creating paths for promotion within the organization.
  2. Poor Leadership and Management:

    • Address by investing in leadership development programs, ensuring effective communication, and promoting a positive and inclusive leadership culture.
  3. Inadequate Compensation and Benefits:

    • Address by conducting regular salary reviews, benchmarking against industry standards, and offering competitive benefits packages.
  4. Unhealthy Work-Life Balance:

    • Address by promoting a healthy work-life balance, encouraging flexible work arrangements, and discouraging excessive overtime.
  5. Uninteresting or Monotonous Work:

    • Address by providing engaging and challenging tasks, encouraging innovation, and involving employees in decision-making processes.
  6. Lack of Recognition and Appreciation:

    • Address by implementing employee recognition programs, acknowledging achievements publicly, and fostering a culture of appreciation.
  7. Poor Organizational Culture:

    • Address by promoting a positive and inclusive culture, aligning values with actions, and addressing toxic behaviors promptly.
  8. Issues with Colleagues:

    • Address by promoting a respectful and collaborative work environment, providing conflict resolution mechanisms, and addressing interpersonal issues proactively.
  9. Lack of Workplace Flexibility:

    • Address by offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, and adapting policies to accommodate diverse needs.
  10. Inadequate Training and Development Opportunities:

    • Address by investing in continuous learning programs, providing access to relevant training, and supporting skill development.

To improve staff retention, organizations can employ several strategies, such as:

  1. Competitive Compensation and Benefits:

    • Ensure that salaries are competitive, and benefits packages are attractive to retain top talent.
  2. Professional Development Opportunities:

    • Offer training programs, mentorship opportunities, and resources for skill enhancement to help employees grow in their careers.
  3. Recognition and Rewards Programs:

    • Implement employee recognition programs to acknowledge and reward outstanding performance.
  4. Positive Organizational Culture:

    • Foster a positive workplace culture that values diversity, inclusion, and employee well-being.
  5. Work-Life Balance Initiatives:

    • Provide flexibility in work hours, remote work options, and initiatives to support a healthy work-life balance.
  6. Communication and Feedback Mechanisms:

    • Establish open communication channels and regular feedback mechanisms to address concerns and keep employees engaged.
  7. Employee Involvement in Decision-Making:

    • Involve employees in decision-making processes to give them a sense of ownership and empowerment.
  8. Regular Performance Evaluations:

    • Conduct regular performance evaluations to provide constructive feedback and set clear expectations for career growth.
  9. Health and Wellness Programs:

    • Implement health and wellness initiatives to support employees’ physical and mental well-being.
  10. Social and Team-Building Activities:

    • Organize social events and team-building activities to strengthen interpersonal relationships and create a positive work environment.

Some of the ways my organisation uses to retain staff are:

  • attractive pay and benefits
    -good staff support
    -team bonding activities to keep members connected and motivated.It also boosts morale.
  • Fair and just decision making.
    -regular PDs
    -engaging in community works and social events.

Reasons why staff leave an organization can vary widely, and it’s crucial to understand both the push factors that lead to departures as well as the pull factors that attract and retain employees. Some common push factors include a lack of career advancement opportunities, poor work-life balance, inadequate compensation, ineffective management, and a lack of recognition or appreciation.

In the case of my organization, I believe that the push factors of inadequate compensation, lack of career advancement opportunities, and poor work-life balance might apply. To address these factors, my organization could consider the following:

  1. Inadequate Compensation:
  • Regularly review and adjust compensation packages to ensure they are competitive within the industry.
  • Offer additional benefits such as performance bonuses, stock options, or other incentives to enhance overall compensation.
  1. Lack of Career Advancement Opportunities:
  • Establish clear paths for career growth and development within the organization.
  • Implement mentorship programs and training opportunities to help employees enhance their skills and advance in their careers.
  1. Poor Work-Life Balance:
  • Encourage flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, to support a better work-life balance.
  • Provide resources for stress management and promote a culture that values downtime and personal well-being.

To attract and retain staff, my organization could focus on various strategies, such as:

  • Offering competitive salaries and benefits packages
  • Providing opportunities for professional development and advancement
  • Creating a positive and inclusive work culture
  • Implementing flexible work arrangements
  • Recognizing and rewarding employee contributions
  • Ensuring effective and supportive management practices

I would share these thoughts with my colleagues and suggest that we collectively brainstorm additional ways to address push factors and enhance our efforts to attract and retain talented individuals within our organization.

There could be various reasons why staff leaves an organization, some of which are unavoidable and understandable, while others may be preventable. Some of the reasons why staff may leave our organization could include:

  1. Lack of Career Growth Opportunities: Employees may feel that there are no opportunities for growth or advancement within the organization, leading them to seek opportunities elsewhere.
  2. Poor Management: Poor management practices, such as micromanagement, lack of support, or inadequate feedback, can lead to low employee morale and job dissatisfaction.
  3. Inadequate Compensation and Benefits: Employees may feel that they are not being fairly compensated for their work, or that the benefits offered are not sufficient to meet their needs.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Employees may feel that their work-life balance is not being respected, leading to burnout and stress.
  5. Limited Training and Development: Employees may feel that they are not receiving adequate training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Push Factors that may apply to our organization could include:

  1. Limited Career Growth Opportunities
  2. Inadequate Compensation and Benefits
  3. Poor Management

To address these factors and improve staff retention, we could consider the following strategies:

  1. Provide Opportunities for Career Growth: Offer opportunities for career advancement, such as promotions, training programs, and mentorship initiatives. This can help to motivate employees and demonstrate a commitment to their professional development.
  2. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Regularly review and adjust compensation and benefits packages to ensure that they remain competitive and meet the needs of employees.
  3. Improve Management Practices: Provide training and support to managers to improve their leadership skills, communication, and feedback practices. Encourage open communication between employees and management to address concerns and improve morale.
  4. Promote Work-Life Balance: Offer flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible hours, to help employees balance their work and personal responsibilities.
  5. Provide Training and Development Opportunities: Offer regular training and development opportunities to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge, and stay engaged in their work.

Some of the ways our organization uses to attract and retain staff include:

  1. Offering competitive salaries and benefits packages
  2. Providing opportunities for career growth and development
  3. Promoting a positive work environment and culture
  4. Encouraging work-life balance through flexible work arrangements
  5. Providing regular feedback and recognition for employee performance.

Overall, by addressing the push factors and implementing strategies to attract and retain staff, we can create a more positive and productive work environment, ultimately contributing to the success of our organization.

The push factors could be both positive or negative. In my institution, mostly positive where they get greener pastures hence leave.

We can improve on staff retention by improving the renumeration and working environment.
By digitizing the systems so that one can work from home.

This is quite elaborate. I have learned more from you on matters staff retention. .

Some reasons why teachers are leaving the Fiji education system. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Low pay : Teachers in Fiji are some of the lowest paid in the world. The average teacher salary in Fiji is around $10,000 per year, which is well below the average salary for other professionals in the country.
  • Heavy workload : Teachers in Fiji are often overworked and underpaid. They are expected to teach long hours, teach multiple subjects, and grade students’ work. This can lead to burnout and stress.
  • Lack of resources : Teachers in Fiji often lack the resources they need to teach effectively. This can include textbooks, computers, and other classroom materials.
  • Lack of respect : Teachers in Fiji often feel that they are not respected by their students, their parents, or their administrators. This can lead to low morale and a feeling of being undervalued.
  • Limited opportunities for advancement : There are limited opportunities for teachers to advance in their careers in Fiji. This can lead to teachers feeling stuck in a rut and unmotivated.

As a result of these factors, many teachers in Fiji are feeling discouraged and are looking for work elsewhere. This is having a negative impact on the quality of education in Fiji, as there is a shortage of qualified teachers.

Things that can be done to address these issues and improve the retention of teachers in Fiji:

  • Increase teacher pay : Teacher pay should be increased to a level that is competitive with other professions in Fiji. This would make teaching a more attractive career option for many people.
  • Reduce teacher workload : Teachers should have their workload reduced so that they have more time to plan lessons, grade students’ work, and collaborate with other teachers.
  • Provide more resources : Teachers should be provided with the resources they need to teach effectively. This includes textbooks, computers, and other classroom materials.
  • Increase respect for teachers : Teachers should be treated with respect by their students, their parents, and their administrators. This would create a more supportive and positive work environment for teachers.
  • Create more opportunities for advancement : There should be more opportunities for teachers to advance in their careers in Fiji. This would provide teachers with incentives to stay in the profession.

By addressing these issues, the Fiji government can help to improve the retention of teachers and ensure that all students have access to a quality education.