Keeping the curriculum relevant

  1. Think of your curriculum and the way you operationalise it as an educator/teacher.
  2. What strategies do you use to ensure that your learners master 21st Century skills highlighted in Figure 1?
  3. Post your answer in the discussion forum and read posts by your peers as well.
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As an educator/teacher, I operationalize Fiji’s curriculum by understanding the Curriculum Framework. Familiarize myself with the official curriculum documents, guidelines, and standards set by the Fijian Ministry of Education and then plan for the lesson and develop lesson plans that align with the curriculum’s learning outcomes and objectives. A variety of assessment methods is used to evaluate students’ understanding and progress. Regularly reviewing and analyzing assessment results to identify areas where students may need additional support. Appropriate textbooks, teaching materials, and resources are selected that is aligned with the curriculum. Technology and other supplementary resources are used to enhance learning experiences.

Integration of Technology: Reflecting on teaching practices and seeking feedback from peers and supervisors.

Strategies that I use to ensure that your learners master 21st Century skills

Inquiry-Based Learning in encouraging students to ask questions, explore topics, and find answers through research and investigation. Integrating technology into lessons to enhance digital literacy and adaptability. Designing activities that challenge students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. Incorporating activities that require students to present their ideas and findings to their peers and teachers. Organizing group projects, discussions, and teamwork exercises to promote collaboration.


As a teacher, i operationalize Fiji’s curriculum by understanding the National Curriculum Framework. I familiarize myself with Fiji’s curriculum documents, set by the Ministry of Education, plan and develop lessons in align with the syllabi and CLO’s. Appropriate textbooks books are provided by MoE to impart the subject content to students. Regular assessment methods are used to monitor students progress.

The strategy that I will use as an educator to make sur my learners master 21st century skills are:

  1. Child Centered Learning
    It will allow students to work in a safe and respectful manner to develop their own solutions to problems given, thus encouraging co-operation, the development of life skills, and their analyzing power

  2. Inquiry-Based Learning
    It will allow students to ask questions, explore topics and get solutions through research and investigation. It will also make students to be critical thinkers and will assist them group projects, and discussions.

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As an educator in Fiji, I place a strong emphasis on ensuring that my learners master the 21st-century skills highlighted in Figure 1 of the curriculum. To achieve this, I use several strategies:

  1. Project-Based Learning (PBL): I design learning experiences that require students to work on real-world projects, fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  2. Critical Thinking Activities: I encourage students to question, analyze, and evaluate information, enabling them to make informed decisions and solve complex problems.
  3. Technology Integration: I incorporate technology into my lessons to enhance information, media, and technology skills. This includes teaching them how to use digital tools for research, communication, and presentations.
  4. Collaborative Learning: I promote group activities that develop teamwork and communication skills, allowing students to learn from one another.
  5. Creativity and Innovation: I provide opportunities for students to think creatively, encouraging them to explore new solutions and ideas.
  6. Media Literacy: I teach students how to critically assess media sources, helping them become discerning consumers of information.
  7. Adaptability and Resilience: I create an environment that encourages risk-taking and adaptability, helping students cope with change and challenges.
  8. Global Awareness: I incorporate global issues and perspectives into my teaching, promoting an understanding of the interconnected world.
  9. Communication Skills: I emphasize effective verbal and written communication, as it’s a fundamental skill in the 21st century.
  10. Problem-Based Learning (PBL): I expose students to authentic, complex problems, helping them develop skills to tackle real-life challenges.
  11. Information Literacy: I teach students how to find, evaluate, and use information effectively, ensuring they can navigate the vast amount of data available today.
  12. Life and Career Skills: I integrate lessons on leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and responsibility, preparing students for success beyond the classroom.
  13. Inquiry-Based Learning: I encourage curiosity and inquiry, enabling students to drive their learning by asking questions and seeking answers.
  14. Feedback and Reflection: I provide regular feedback and encourage students to reflect on their learning and growth.
  15. Cross-Curricular Teaching: I connect various subjects to demonstrate the interrelatedness of knowledge, promoting a holistic understanding of the world.

By combining these strategies, I aim to equip my learners with the necessary 21st-century skills to thrive in an ever-changing world and contribute positively to their communities and beyond.


Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well. I wanted to share some thoughts on how we can incorporate technology into our teaching, even in subjects like Physical Education and Music.

As a high school teacher specializing in Physical Education and Music, I’ve found that technology can be a valuable tool to enhance our curriculum. Here are some ideas I’ve been exploring:

  1. Utilizing Digital Resources: We can curate online resources, including educational YouTube channels, podcasts, and interactive simulations that can enrich our teaching in both subjects.

  2. Hybrid Learning: Consider a blended approach that combines physical activities and musical learning, bridging the gap using technology. This can be especially beneficial for remote or hybrid learning situations.

  3. Using Apps and Software: There are a variety of apps and software tools available that can help students improve their skills. In Physical Education, fitness tracking apps and video analysis tools can be incredibly useful. For Music, digital audio workstations (DAWs) and music theory apps can enhance musical composition and understanding.

  4. Digital Assessment and Feedback: We can use online platforms for assignments submission, grading, and providing feedback, making our assessment process more efficient.

  5. Professional Development: To stay updated and make the most of technology, attending workshops or courses on technology integration in education can be a great idea.

I believe that incorporating technology into our teaching can make our classes more engaging and relevant for our students. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and any other ideas you might have for integrating technology into our subjects.

Looking forward to a fruitful discussion.

Best regards,
Ashik Kapoor


As an Educator I strongly place my strategies in working with the Communities on

  • By identifying their personal and social skills and promoting self-awareness, self-regulation, goal-setting for the youths. As an educator you need to identify these skill sets and work on strategies that can enhance these youths. It is important indeed to identify these issues.
  • Secondly by providing opportunities for learners to collaborate with peers, teachers, experts, and others, both face-to-face and online, and to use various communication tools and platforms to share their ideas, feedback, and products.

Thank You.

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Operationalizing the curriculum as a teacher involves aligning classroom practices with the national curriculum framework while ensuring that students develop 21st century skills. In Fiji the curriculum aims to foster comprehensive education that goes beyond academic content and includes skills such as sporting, arts and Extra Curricular Activities. Some strategies that can be used to promote the skills are as follows:

  1. Curriculum Alignment – thoroughly understand the curriculum and ensure that the lessons and teaching material are aligned with the learning outcomes and its objectives.
  2. Holistic Approach – the curriculum to go beyond the subject specific content and encourages critical thinking, creativity, and IT skills.
  3. Differentiated Instructions – Instructions to meet the needs of individual needs and provides opportunities for all students to excel.
  4. Active Learning – promote active learning through discussions, group work and hands on activities.
  5. Problem Solving – Provide challenges that require creative problem solving skills.
  6. Critical Thinking Skills – teaching students to analyze information make informed decisions and evaluate themselves.
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I teach mechanical engineering courses at the university. I use project based learning (PjBL) as one of my assessments. The use of PjBL allows me to develop 21st century skills such as: divergent thinking, communication, creativity, innovative thinking, conflict resolution, working in teams with students of diverse backgrounds, teamwork and etc.

i totally agree with you. The learning should be meaningful and relate to the national policies.

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some strategies to ensure that learners have the opportunity to skills:

  1. Adapting the learner’s individual needs and pace, offering content and challenges that align with their skill level and learning style.
  2. I encourage learners to analyze information and provide answers based on reasoning and evidence.
  3. Offer collaborative projects or discussions that require learners to work together and share ideas.
    Encourage learners to provide feedback to each other on their contributions.
  4. Promote research skills by guiding learners in finding and evaluating credible sources
  5. Present a variety of content and challenges to help learners adapt to different subjects and styles.
  6. Emphasize the value of continuous learning and self-improvement
  7. Provide constructive feedback on learner responses to facilitate growth. Assess learner progress and provide recommendations for improvement.
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As an educator in Papua new Guinea, i emphasize strongly on ensuring that my students master the 21st- century skilss by using the following strategies;

  1. Literacy and communication skills
  • ensuring that all students read, write and communicate well in english as expected. This enables their brain to comprehend and do things on a higher level.
  1. Problem base learning
  • allows students to think critical, plan, analyze things and solve real life problems. Which helps them to become active learners and critical thinkers
  1. Project base learning
  • designed project and alows students to make plans to cary out the actual project in real life. This helps them to deeply understand the content itself.
  1. Technology skills
  • provide computers and other technology for the students to access information through internet to learn independently and to equip themselves with the technology skills.

To ensure that learners master the 21st-century themes of life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, and information, media, and technology skills, I as a teacher employ various strategies that promote active engagement, critical thinking, and practical application of these skills. Here are some effective strategies:

Project-Based Learning :

Develop projects that integrate the 21st-century themes and require students to work collaboratively, think critically, and creatively solve real-world problems.

Allow students to choose projects related to their interests, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation to excel in the required skills.

Inquiry-Based Learning :

Structure lessons around questions or problems that encourage students to investigate, analyze, and develop solutions, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Guide students through the inquiry process, emphasizing information literacy and research skills.

Collaborative Learning and Group Activities :

Arrange group activities that require students to collaborate, communicate, and share ideas, promoting teamwork and interpersonal skills.

Assign roles within groups to encourage leadership, initiative, and accountability.

Role-Playing and Simulations :

Create scenarios or simulations that mimic real-life situations, enabling students to apply problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration skills in a safe and controlled environment.

Integration of Technology and Digital Tools :

Incorporate digital platforms, educational apps, and online resources that align with the 21st-century themes, enhancing ICT literacy and providing opportunities for innovative learning experiences.

Experiential Learning and Field Trips :

Organize visits to relevant workplaces, museums, or community organizations to provide hands-on experiences, exposing students to various career paths and promoting career skills.

Student-Centered and Self-Directed Learning :

Encourage students to set learning goals, explore topics of interest, and take ownership of their learning journey, fostering self-directed learning and time management skills.

Assessment Strategies for 21st-Century Skills :

Design assessments that evaluate the mastery of 21st-century skills, such as project presentations, portfolios, group evaluations, and reflective journals.

Professional Development for Teachers :

Provide ongoing training and professional development for teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills related to the 21st-century themes and effective teaching strategies.

Real-World Connections :

Relate classroom lessons to current events, industry trends, or global issues, helping students understand the relevance and application of what they are learning.

By implementing these strategies, teachers can create an environment that nurtures the mastery of 21st-century skills, preparing students to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected world.

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As a teacher, operationalizing the curriculum in our classroom involves aligning classroom practices with the National Curriculum Framework. Familiarize myself with the curriculum set by MOE . Plan and develop lessons align with syllibi and CLO’s. Develop LTP.

The strategy that I will use towards the learners to master the 21st century skills is

  • Child-centered learning which allows students to have hands on activities and develop a safe and respectful environment for learning.

  • Inquiry Based Learning which allows students to ask questions and explore more about the topic learner without fear.

  • Communication skills through both verbal and written and read with understanding.

The Fijian curriculum, like other national curricula, provides a framework for what students should learn at different grade levels. Operationalizing the Fijian curriculum as an educator or teacher involves understanding and following the guidelines and expectations set by the Fijian Ministry of Education. Here’s a general overview of how you can operationalize the Fijian curriculum:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Curriculum: Start by thoroughly reviewing the Fijian curriculum documents provided by the Ministry of Education. These documents outline the curriculum’s goals, objectives, subject areas, and grade-level expectations.

  2. Lesson Planning: Develop lesson plans that align with the curriculum. Ensure that your lessons cover the content and skills outlined in the curriculum documents. Plan activities and assessments that match the curriculum objectives.

  3. Teaching Strategies: Use effective teaching strategies and methods that are suitable for the Fijian curriculum. Consider the diverse learning needs of your students and adapt your teaching techniques accordingly.

  4. Resources and Materials: Gather or create teaching materials and resources that are in line with the curriculum. This may include textbooks, supplementary materials, multimedia resources, and hands-on activities.

  5. Assessment and Evaluation: Create assessment tools and methods that align with the curriculum’s assessment guidelines. These assessments should measure students’ progress in meeting the curriculum’s objectives.

  6. Differentiation: Recognize that students have different learning needs and abilities. Differentiate your instruction to cater to various learning styles and abilities.

  7. Incorporate Fijian Culture and Values: The Fijian curriculum often emphasizes the importance of preserving and promoting Fijian culture and values. Integrate relevant cultural content and values into your lessons when appropriate.

  8. Professional Development: Stay updated with changes and developments in the curriculum. Attend professional development workshops and training provided by the Ministry of Education to enhance your teaching skills.

  9. Collaboration: Work with colleagues and educational institutions to share ideas, resources, and best practices related to the Fijian curriculum.

  10. Communication: Maintain open communication with students’ parents and guardians to keep them informed about their child’s progress, and to involve them in their child’s education.

  11. Continuous Reflection and Improvement: Continuously reflect on your teaching practices and make improvements as needed. Consider feedback from students and colleagues to enhance your teaching effectiveness.

It’s essential to be adaptable and responsive to the needs of your students while adhering to the guidelines of the Fijian curriculum. The specific details and expectations for implementing the curriculum can vary based on the grade level and subject you teach, so consult the curriculum documents for your particular area of instruction.

I operationalize the Fijian curriculum as a teacher by comprehending the National Curriculum Framework. I become familiar with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum papers for Fiji and plan and prepare classes in accordance with the syllabi and CLOs. To teach pupils the subject material, the MoE provides appropriate textbooks. To keep tabs on students’ progress, regular assessment techniques are performed.
Major problem in FIJI is the TEST section which is not addressed properly. This is the area which is not taken seriously. The TEST section includes some of the following areas:
• Computer education
• Agriculture
• Home Economics
• Trade jobs
• Industrial arts
The problem with TEST subjects in fiji is that most the syllabus are taught as theory and it is not par with current technologies and most of does not meet industrial standards.
The curriculum that I want to optimize is Computer Education in Secondary schools. As a educator teaching computer education in secondary schools, I feel that there is a gap between syllabus taught in secondary school and in tertiary intuition.
The best option I suggest is that which will help todays youths to be par with new technologies and meet industrial standard is offering certificate I in year 11, certificate II in year 12 and certificate III in year 13. The students can continue with certificate IV in tertiary institution .
Furthermore the Higher Education Commission of Fiji which assess the certificate I,II, and II and provide the recognition as in standard. By doing so the courses offered in computer education from year 11 to year 13 will industrial standard.

  1. Think of your curriculum and the way you operationalise it as an educator/teacher.

Curriculum Planning:

Learning Objectives: Educators begin by defining clear learning objectives, outlining what students should know or be able to do by the end of the course or lesson.

Scope and Sequence: They determine the scope of the curriculum, including what topics or content will be covered, and the sequence in which they will be taught.

Alignment with Standards: The curriculum is aligned with educational standards and guidelines, ensuring that it meets the requirements set by relevant authorities.

Assessment Strategies: Teachers plan how they will assess student progress and understanding, including tests, quizzes, projects, and other forms of assessment.


Lesson Planning: Educators break down the curriculum into individual lessons, specifying what will be covered in each class session.

Teaching Methods: They select appropriate teaching methods and strategies that suit the content and learning objectives. This can include lectures, group activities, discussions, or hands-on experiments.

Resources: Teachers identify the resources required for effective teaching, such as textbooks, teaching aids, digital tools, and other materials.

Differentiation: They consider the diverse needs of students and plan for differentiation, providing additional support for struggling students and extension activities for advanced learners.

Assessment Tools: Teachers prepare assessment tools like quizzes, exams, rubrics, and grading criteria to evaluate student performance.

Feedback and Adaptation: They continuously gather feedback from students and adapt the curriculum as needed to address challenges and improve learning outcomes.

Technology Integration: In modern education, educators often integrate technology into their curriculum, using online platforms and digital resources to enhance learning.

Classroom Management: Effective classroom management is crucial to ensure a conducive learning environment and student engagement.

Professional Development: Teachers engage in ongoing professional development to stay updated on best practices and pedagogical approaches.

Communication: They maintain open communication with students, parents, and colleagues to address concerns and collaborate on educational goals.

In summary, educators and teachers carefully plan and operationalize their curriculum to create a structured and effective learning experience for their students, with a focus on achieving learning objectives and facilitating student growth and development.

  1. What strategies do you use to ensure that your learners master 21st Century skills highlighted in Figure 1 above?

These skills are crucial for success in the modern world and include critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, and problem-solving. Here are some strategies for fostering these skills in learners:

Project-Based Learning: Implement approaches where students work on real-world projects that require them to think critically, solve problems, and collaborate. This allows students to apply their knowledge in practical contexts.

Inquiry-Based Learning: Encourage students to ask questions and explore topics of interest. This helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they seek answers and solutions.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Incorporate group projects and collaborative activities into the curriculum. Teamwork teaches students how to communicate effectively, share ideas, and work together to achieve common goals.

Critical Thinking Activities: Design activities and assignments that challenge students to analyse, evaluate, and synthesize information. Encourage them to think critically about complex issues.

Creativity and Innovation: Provide opportunities for students to engage in creative projects, such as art, design, writing, and problem-solving challenges. Encourage them to think outside the box and come up with original ideas.

Real-World Experiences: Encourage internships, field trips, and other experiences that expose students to the real world and help them apply their skills.

  1. The facilitators should have advanced level of training on the use of technology. Platforms like open forums, emails, videos, ongoing online guidance to students etc. There should be enormous amount of flexibility in implementation of curriculum and also while receiving feedback from the students in terms of assignments and activities.

  2. What strategies do you use to ensure that your learners master 21st Century skills highlighted in Figure 1 above?

Once students have a firm grasp of the tools, they need to actively practice using them in practical situations. This may be done in a number of ways:

  1. Participating in Online Communities: Students may actively participate in debates and offer their thoughts by joining online communities that are relevant to their academic or hobby interests. Learners can improve their communication skills and get insight from many viewpoints by conversing with others in public forums and discussions.

  2. Using Email Communication: By often corresponding with classmates, teachers, or experts in their subject of interest, students may improve their email communication abilities. This aids in their professional etiquette education, written communication skill development, and relationship-building.

  3. Enrolling in Online Courses: Online platforms and several educational institutions provide courses.

As an educator / teacher, i operationalize my children through motivating and enocouraging to stimulate
processes. I as an educator prepare my work in advance such as lesson plan, hence if there’s a gap between planning and implementation, changes could be done before implementing. As an educator i carry out dormative assessment every week to track my children and get a feedback on where they stand so that more interventions could be carried on things that they lack. In context to my classroom we also have computer classes every week and it is also integrated in the lesson.

As a teacher teachrr the strategies that i use to ensure that my learners master 21st century skills are

1.Inquiry based learning
The 4c’ s of the 21st century skill that is

Critical thinking - where the stydents are encourage to think ceitically to test their prior knowledge.

Collaboration- that is working together and doing group work discussion to share each othwrs ideas

Creativity- thinking outside the box with real life examples

Communication- discussing to others and sharing thoughts and ideas.

  1. Intergration of technology in education
  • use of technology will enhance the students learning experience. Utilizinh technology in the classroom createslearners who are actively engaged with learning objectives. The implementation of technology also creates paths for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students as individual learners.

As teachers and facilitators its very important that we encourage students critical thinking. Its the mechanism that needs out problems and replaces them with fruitful endeavors. We as teachers we need to intergrate technology in our all lessons such as showing videos on the related topics to wnhahe sgudents because not all students learn and retain information in same way. In context to Fiji this needs to be addressed so that our students are not left behind. Technology is an opportunity for we teachers to differentiate learning for the learning capabilities of students. Allowing students to learn and refine these skills prepare them for life beyond the classroom.

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As an educator i believe students in class and outside get very less HANDS ON ACTIVTIES.

some of the styles or strategies we can devise are:

Classrooms activities should be more realistic like give formative assessments or projects based on the topic we are teaching. this style will open the eyes of students and understand what is right and wrong for them or for the community.

Portfolio is another style which can start based on a rising issues in the country or in the community.

Community / Class based projects. - is another method where students are the center part of that projects and delegating them roles and responsibilities to students to carry out the projects.

Field Trips - we hardly see these projects done in school. But i believe this should be maximized in school to show and give students the real experience on the particular theme or topic.

These are some of the ideas which can enhances the students and get more real life ideas.

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totally agree with you!