Keeping the curriculum relevant

  1. The Fijian education system is a slow to change enterprise. Legacy practices remain the greatest challenge for any reform to handle. Teacher education, student comprehension, resource availability, and student access are all challenges to the implementation of any educational technology systems in schools. In our classroom, textbooks govern the delivery of education to students. With time, age, and budget that foot us with the rest of the world given our size, Fiji needs to start embracing innovative methods of delivery to prepare critical thinkers once students enter university, instead of beginners finding their feet with educational technology while they are undergraduates.

  2. a) The ability to not only learn about the new educational gadgets that will help students learn better and faster, but to also have the ability to know how to use and implement the gadget within the classroom is an essential skill of a 21st century educator.

b) An effective teacher will have the ability to facilitate interpersonal relationships within the classroom so that students will have a sense of community and be able to communicate with their peers on a higher level than just social media.

c) With the rapid changes in technology and the way that students learn, educators must be able to embrace change and adapt to it. Technology changes daily, as do new teaching strategies, testing techniques, and the way we are able to learn and communicate with others. An effective teacher living the 21st century has the ability to adapt to anything and everything as well as embrace it.

As a teacher, I give emphasis to the following:

  • using of manipulatives
  • face to face lessons
  • using of e-learning
  • designing and implementing learner centered activities
  1. The strategies that I use to ensure that my learners master 21st century skills are as

    *Differentiated instruction - to accommodate students with special needs.

    *Experiential learning - allowing children to do hands on activities where they learn
    by doing the activity.

  • Inquiry based learning - this inspires children to think critically and become life long

  • Peer Teaching - makes teaching and learning easier because children are finding easy to
    communicate with their peers instead of teachers.

  • Manipulatives - helps children to understand better.

  • Cooperative learning - allows students with various learning levels to work together.
    children are actively involved either in groups or in pairs.

From the curriculum to the syllabus and down to the Specific Learning Outcomes (SLOs), the SLOs are taught as the content of the lessons. Planning lessons include the following strategies

  1. Inquiry-based Approach: Diagrams, images or objects, simple questions and sharing real life situations are used to arouse students’ curiosity on the content of the lessons. Using their prior knowledge on their surroundings help them to learn the SLO easily.

  2. Collaboration: a mixed background, ability and gender grouping (home islands, religious,) allow students to learn from others with different experiences and abilities.

  3. Project-based Approach: tasks with brief instructions are given to students to explore on their own and to to search for solutions on their own.

To ensure that learners master 21st-century skills, teachers employ a variety of strategies that are tailored to the needs and abilities of their students. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, and more. Here are some strategies that teachers in Fiji commonly use:

  • Project-Based Learning: this encourages students to work on real-world projects that require them to use a range of 21st-century skills. It promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving.
  • Inquiry-Based Learning: This approach involves asking questions, seeking answers, and developing deep understanding. It encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and information literacy.
  • Flipped Classroom: In a flipped classroom, students learn new content at home through videos or readings, and then engage in hands-on, collaborative activities in the classroom. This approach promotes self-directed learning and collaboration.
  • Technology Integration: Using various digital tools and platforms, teachers can enhance learning experiences and help students develop digital literacy and information management skills.
  • Gamification: Applying game elements (e.g., competition, points, levels) to educational activities can make learning more engaging and help students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  • Collaborative Learning: Encouraging students to work together on projects or assignments fosters teamwork, communication skills, and the ability to work effectively in a group.
  • Scaffolding: Teachers provide support and guidance as students work through tasks or projects. This helps learners gradually build their skills and confidence.
  • Authentic Assessments: Assessments that mirror real-world scenarios require students to apply their knowledge and skills in practical situations. This helps in evaluating their ability to use 21st-century skills effectively.
  • Global Perspective and Cultural Competence: Encouraging students to explore and appreciate different cultures, perspectives, and global issues helps develop their global awareness, empathy, and communication skills.
  • Reflection and Metacognition: Encouraging students to reflect on their learning process and think about how they learn best helps them become more self-aware, independent learners.
  • Flexible Learning Environments: Providing a variety of spaces and tools for learning, including collaborative workspaces, technology resources, and comfortable seating, can foster creativity, adaptability, and problem-solving.
  • Real-World Connections: Linking classroom learning to real-world applications helps students see the relevance of their education and encourages them to apply their skills in practical situations.
  • Encouraging Creativity and Innovation: Providing opportunities for students to think creatively, take risks, and generate new ideas fosters innovation and problem-solving abilities.
  • Professional Development for Teachers: Teachers need ongoing training and development to effectively incorporate 21st-century skills into their teaching practices.

Feedback and Reflection: Providing constructive feedback and encouraging students to reflect on their work helps them improve their skills and understand their strengths and areas for growth.

By employing these strategies, teachers can create a dynamic and supportive learning environment that helps students develop the essential 21st-century skills they’ll need for success in the modern world.

As a Teacher in Fiji, I strongly emphasize on ensuring that students master 21st-century skills by using the following strategies.

Integration of Technology and Digital Tools:

Incorporate digital platforms, educational apps, and online resources that align with 21st-century themes, enhancing ICT literacy and providing opportunities for innovative learning experiences.

Student-Centered and Self-Directed Learning:

Encourage students to set learning goals, explore topics of interest, and take ownership of their learning journey, fostering self-directed learning and time management skills.

Literacy and communication skills

Ensuring that all students read, write, and communicate well in English as expected. This enables their brain to comprehend and do things on a higher level.

Problem based learning

Allow students to think critically, plan, analyze things, and solve real-life problems. Which helps them become active learners and critical thinkers?

Project base learning

Designed project and allows students to make plans to carry out the actual project in real life. This helps them to deeply understand the content itself.

Collaborative Learning and Group Activities :

Arrange group activities that require students to collaborate, communicate, and share ideas, promoting teamwork and interpersonal skills.

As an Educator/Teacher, I’ll familiarize myself with the official curriculum documents, guidelines and standards set by the Ministry of Education and than plan for the lesson and develop lesson plan and are align with curriculum learning outcomes. Develop Learning and Teaching Plan.

Strategies that I usean an educator:

  1. Technology Intergration - I incorporate technology into my lessons to enhance information, media and technology skills.

  2. Inquiry - Based Learning - I encourage curiosity and inquiry, enabling student’s to develop their learning by asking questions and seeking for answers.

These are some ideas which can enhances the students and get more real life udeas.

The curriculum needs to be relevant to the needs of the students. As a teacher educator I emphasize on theoretical and practical aspects of teaching ensuring that students not only learn about theories but also think critically and contextualize to their subjects and contexts. Practicum is an important component of teacher training and it is embedded in several education courses and assessment which teaches trainees to develop their skills in the different areas of teaching.
To ensure that students master the skills including the use of 21st century skills students are given assessments which require them to demonstrate effective innovative ways of teaching and the use of ICT through their teaching and presentations. Students are given feedback which helps them to further their leaning and develop their skills in using 21st century ICT tools. There is also emphasis throughout the teacher training on effective implementation of curriculum, using ICT tools to harness the numerous opportunities while also being mindful of the challenges which exist.

Teacher should learned how much time and effort us required outside the classroom in order to be a teacher. Between high level curriculum building, lesson planning,creating class activities and homework, and then grading class activities and homework, a lot more time is spent working outside the classroom than inside. Classroom time is maybe 25% of the overall time. Teacher are more visual, and so on.Teacher play a vital role in curriculum development as they bring their expertise experience, and knowledge of their students to shape the curriculum. We provide valuable input in identifying learning objectives, selecting content,and designing appropriate instructional strategies for our students and help students develop and engaged relationship with the content. Active learning.

Strategies do you use to ensure that your learners master 21st Century skills
• Making Summary of lesson notes.
• Reading to class and doing presentations
• Concept Mapping to mentally organize concept being learned.
• Role plays
• Self-testing
• Reflection
• Discussions
• Debates
• Peer Tutoring
• Enacting

As an educator, I employ several strategies to ensure that my learners master the 21st-century skills highlighted in the curriculum. Here are some strategies that I use to operationalize these skills effectively:

  1. Project-Based Learning (PBL): I incorporate PBL into my teaching approach, allowing students to work on real-world projects that require collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. This approach helps students develop 21st-century skills while applying their knowledge in practical situations.

  2. Technology Integration: I integrate technology tools and resources into my lessons to engage and challenge students. This includes using interactive platforms, virtual simulations, educational apps, and digital content. By using technology, students can develop digital literacy and communication skills, which are essential in the 21st century.

  3. Collaborative Learning: I encourage collaborative learning opportunities where students work together in groups or pairs. This fosters teamwork, communication, and cooperation, which are vital 21st-century skills. Through collaborative activities, students learn to value diverse perspectives and develop the ability to work effectively in teams.

  4. Inquiry-Based Learning: I promote inquiry-based learning where students take an active role in their learning by asking questions, investigating, and discovering answers. This approach nurtures critical thinking, curiosity, and problem-solving skills, enabling students to become independent learners in the 21st century.

  5. Authentic Assessments: I design assessments that assess the mastery of 21st-century skills. These assessments include performance tasks, projects, portfolios, presentations, and reflections, allowing students to showcase their abilities in communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Authentic assessments provide a holistic understanding of the students’ progress and encourage the development of these skills.

  6. Flexibility and Adaptability: I create a flexible learning environment that allows students to explore their interests and tailor their learning experiences. By incorporating student choice and providing opportunities for self-directed learning, students become adaptable learners who can navigate the fast-paced and ever-changing 21st-century world.

  7. Reflection and Metacognition: I encourage regular self-reflection and metacognition exercises, where students evaluate their progress, identify areas of improvement, and set goals for further development. This helps students develop self-awareness and self-regulation, which are essential for continuous learning and growth in the 21st century.

By employing these strategies, teachers can effectively operationalize the 21st-century skills highlighted in the curriculum and ensure that learners are prepared to thrive in the modern world.

I teach in a mainstream and not in an open school program.

Inclusion of extra curricular activities, clubs and encouraging students who are not so academic oriented to participate in their areas of interest. Encouraging them to participate in national programs that allows them to exposure their areas of interest helps them develop their skills. From art, to painting, to dances and sports and also also having clubs like environment and beautification allows them to contribute to the school environment. So far it is working and till they reach year 12 then we recommend to their parents potential vocational schools where they can do 9ther skills trainings

Learning activity 2
The curriculum can be described as guide for the educators on things which are essential for the teaching and learning where students can develop required skills to become successful. The curriculum can be implemented using different strategies as classroom teaching can be student centered. When students are engaged during the lesson they are motivated to learn and explore more about the topic. The curriculum skills are taught using student centered lesson where they have inquiry-based learning. During the lesson technology like projector is used so that they can have realistic examples when they construct their knowledge.
During the lesson students have group discussion where presentation is also done so that they can achieve the lesson objectives. After the lesson feedback to the students are provided so that they can improve their understanding based on the topic learnt during the lesson. The strategies used are making lesson relevant for the students where technology is also used to provide realistic examples. During the lesson students are provided with questions that can develop critical thinking skills when they find the solutions during group discussion. The students are provided with feedback and communicated effectively so that the lesson objectives can be achieved.

It’s crucial to keep the curriculum up-to-date with 21st-century abilities to better prepare students for the opportunities and difficulties of the contemporary world. Here are some tactics educators can use to do this:

Educate Yourself: Keep abreast of the most recent advancements in your field of study and educational trends. To stay updated, attend workshops, conferences, and professional development sessions.

Understand 21st-Century Skills: Familiarize yourself with the core 21st-century skills, which typically include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy.

Technology Integration: Include technology in your lessons. Utilize interactive platforms, online tools, and instructional apps to engage students and aid in the development of their digital literacy.

Project-Based Learning: Use activities that motivate students to work on actual problems to implement project-based learning. This strategy encourages critical.

Include real life skills like time management, emotional intelligence, and financial literacy in your curriculum to help students succeed both personally and professionally.

Assessment: A range of techniques, such as performance activities, portfolios, and presentations—which more accurately reflect 21st-century skills than conventional exams—are used to evaluate students’ progress.

Feedback: To assist students in developing and enhancing their 21st-century skills, give timely and helpful feedback.

Professional Development: Collaborate with other educators and administrators to continuously improve your teaching strategies and curriculum to align with 21st-century needs.

Flexibility: Be prepared to modify your curriculum as new trends and technology emerge.

Real-World Connections: Show students how the knowledge and skills they acquire in your class relate to real-world applications and future career opportunities.

I use the syllabi provided by Ministry of Education to develop my Learning Teaching Program (LTP).
The LTP is used to write workbook (weekly plan ). The workbook is used to deliver daily lessons. Students are given simplified notes on the concepts . Hands on activities are done by students to master the learning objectives. In science subjects experiments are carried out and research work is being done to enhance learning. Individual Work Plan (IWP ),is also prepared. IWP is the work that teacher will do for the year.
As a teacher , I use child centered teaching approach. Media is used in teaching and learning.
The learning environment is prepared so that it is attractive and motivates learners. There are alot of challenges in primary school since curriculum is changing after every few years and students are not able to adapt with the new curriculum
and we also have slow learners and discipline issues.

As a teacher in the Solomon Islands, I operationalize the curriculum by delivering the standards that are set by the Solomon Islands Tertiary and Skills Authority (SITESA). I always makesure that my teaching and the given assessment to my learners meet the standard objectives and industry needs.

The teaching strategy I used involves knowing my learner needs, by doing a learner profile and pre-course test (LLN). And then I design my assessment as a workplace similation.

Hi Deepak if you are teaching Year 12 right now. What is one teaching method you going to use in these last 3 weeks so students who hardly study due to a lot of extra curricular in term 2 can pass well. Looking forward to your reply.

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Boy you got plenty ideas I would love to sit in your classroom with all these teaching strategies being incorporated.

I use the syllabi provided by Ministry of Education to develop my Learning Teaching Program (LTP).
The LTP is used to write workbook (weekly plan ). The workbook is used to deliver daily lessons. Students are given simplified notes on the concepts . Hands on activities are done by students to master the learning objectives. In science subjects experiments are carried out and research work is being done to enhance learning. Individual Work Plan (IWP ),is also prepared. IWP is the work that teacher will do for the year.
As a teacher , I use child centered teaching approach. Media is used in teaching and learning.
The learning environment is prepared so that it is attractive and motivates learners. There are alot of challenges in primary school since curriculum is changing after every few years and students are not able to adapt with the new curriculum
and we also have slow learners and discipline issues.

As an educator, curriculum can be operationalised by aligning it with the national curriculum framework. Ensure that our curriculum is aligned with the syllabi, LTP, lesson notes, lesson plan and our other teaching resources.

How can our learners master concepts and skills in the 21st century?

  • Use learner centred approaches and activities
  • Incorporate technology and digital media in teaching
  • Listen to students and take their views. Appreciate their input.
  • Develop their numeracy and literacy skills through various learning and teaching strategies.

As an educator your priority is to familiarize with the curriculum provided by MEHA and develop lesson that is align with the syllabi ad LTP.
Alright, so let’s talk about how we can get learners ready for the 21st century with some awesome strategies. First up, we’ve got project-based learning. This approach is all about getting students hands-on with real-world problems and challenges. It helps them develop critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills. Next on the list is technology integration. We’re talking about using digital tools like online platforms, virtual reality, or even good ol’ PowerPoint to engage learners in a more interactive way.