Keeping the curriculum relevant

Some suggested strategies to strengthen teachers lesson delivery to teach the 21st Century skills

  1. Plan and allow for outdoor trip such as -field trips or excursions .This opportunity helps the teacher to allow students application of metacognition skills from content to practical hands-on tasks as well experiencing the real life scenarios of concepts covered in class room environment to the real world.
    2.Align the school based enrichment subjects to create student guided activity to practice the critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving and communication in the life skills that are taught.
    3.Allow for student feedback to see their areas of weakness and strengths and strategize on how to strengthen differentiated learning strategies.
    4.Create more PD opportunities for teachers to upskill their strategies with the use of assistive technologies for individual student learner support…

In order to operationalize the curriculum as a teacher, one must make sure that pupils acquire 21st century abilities while also coordinating classroom procedures with the national curriculum framework. The curriculum in Fiji seeks to promote a holistic education that incorporates extracurricular activities, athletics, and the arts in addition to academic content. The following are some tactics that can be employed to advance the skills:

Curriculum Alignment: Make sure that the teaching materials and lessons are in line with the curriculum’s objectives and learning outcomes by carefully reviewing the curriculum.Holistic Approach: the curriculum promotes creativity, critical thinking, and IT skills in addition to subject-specific content.Holistic Approach: the curriculum encourages creativity, critical thinking, and IT skills in alongside subject-specific content.Differentiated instruction gives each student the chance to succeed while interacting with their specific requirements.Encourage active learning through group projects, conversations, and practical exercises.Problem solve: Present puzzles that call for original approaches to solve problems.Teaching pupils to analyze data, make defensible conclusions, and assess themselves is known as critical thinking skills.

  1. Curriculum is the standard syllabi given by Ministry of Education. Teachers should use that as a guide of what a particular class student should be able to learn or achieve the objectives at the end of the year. Hence, I as a primary teacher is using curriculum to prepare my learning and teaching program(LTP) and weekly workbook, thus, noting how to teach a particular objective and using which method of teaching.
  2. Using strategies such as: use of TV / laptop to watch educational videos, picture discussion, formative & summative assessment, awarding students for better performance, use of gardening class for planting flowers & vegetables and participate in school based programs such as: poster making, poem, speech and dancing, etc.

As a classroom teacher, in Fiji classrooms are composite as well as single or straight classes. Student roll can reach a maximum of about 40 to 50 in most urban schools. keeping the NCF it is very important to design lessons that suits the levels of all the learners. It is interesting as well as very challenging to master the skills of 21st century to the students with the limited resources available.
Some of the strategies I use are:

  1. Child Centered Learning
    A child centered approach means keeping the child in focus when making decisions about their lives and working in partnership with them and their families. Giving every child an opportunity to work out the solutions to the problem at hand. Students are trained to work creatively with innovations, communicate and think critically.
  2. Technology based learning
    Use of laptops, computers, projectors, whiteboards and smart TV for teaching and learning process. Students are taken for computer lessons as planner. They are taught how to operate the basics of Microsoft word and PowerPoints. Students also learn to use internet for research work.
  3. Life and Career Skills
    Lessons are incorporated to teach students how to be flexible, responsible and innovative. Extra curricular activities, culture classes, sports, physical education, music and arts and conversational language classes help students to explore learning beyond the subjects.

As a science teacher i always ensure that my students develop 21st century skills. . Some strategies that can be used to promote the skills are as follows:

  1. Curriculum Alignment – thoroughly understand the curriculum and ensure that the lessons and teaching material are aligned with the learning outcomes and its objectives. this is where the syllabi comes in.
  2. Holistic Approach – the curriculum to go beyond the subject specific content and encourages critical thinking, creativity, and IT skills.
  3. Differentiated Instructions – Instructions to meet the needs of individual needs and provides opportunities for all students to excel.
  4. Active Learning – promote active learning through discussions, group work and hands on activities especially in science practical classes.
  5. Problem Solving – Provide challenges that require creative problem solving skills.
  6. Critical Thinking Skills – teaching students to analyze information make informed decisions and evaluate themselves.
  7. Experiential learning- where learners solve authentic problems from day to day life
  8. Integration of ICT in teaching

The curriculum used is designed by the Ministry of Education. It is implemented using various teaching strategies. The syllabi is the main working document for teachers. Some strategies used the classroom include hands on activities, involving group work and peer teaching. The most effective method used by me is integrating technology in learning. For example showing educational videos to children using television.

Online Learning Platforms: Develop accessible online platforms for quality education, focusing on areas with limited access to schools.
Digital Skills Programs: Offer courses on digital literacy, coding, and computer skills.
Vocational Training: Provide open schooling for vocational skills and employability training.
Financial Literacy Courses: Offer modules on personal finance and money management.
Health and Wellness Courses: Develop programs focusing on physical and mental health education. Teaching strategies that can be used to master 21st century learners is that hands on activity to be conducted in the lesson. Activity prepared should be student centered.

As a teacher, to keep the curriculum relevant to 21st century learners; it is very important to respond to the different cultural background of the learners for learning enhancement. This days it is also important to incorporate indigenous knowledge so that learners easily associate and as a teacher, i become a reflective practitioner.

21st Century Skills

  1. Technology
    Since technology is part of our daily life .Children learn easily with technoloy as a classroom teacher we must use technology in our daily lessons so children feel excited to learn.
  2. Child centered learning
    Child centred learning is important for the young children .They have the right to discuss what they know and what they dont know.Children have lot of ideas to share where teacher can become the facilitator only .
  3. Creativity
    Children learn more when they have creative lessons .Teacher can organize work group work for children where they have a certain time to complete the task with their peers .
  4. Inquiry based learning
    Children like to find information from different sources.They like to do experiments themselves and write conclusions.

The curriculum is designed by the Kiribati Ministry of Education, and expects all teachers at all levels of schools to adhere to it. As one of those required to use the curriculum, as a teacher in the classroom, 21st Century skills always always part of my teaching goals. It is paramount that biblical teachings should always integrated with the national curriculum, where possible, 21st century is no different is my teaching.

At all possbilitity, I always attract students attention to something like, among a few others.

  • use of the smart phone
  • sending and receiving emails
  • use and create social media accounts
  • introduce types and features of online teaching plaforms
  1. The Computer Studies curriculum in Fiji aims to

a) develop computer literacy with an understanding of fundamental concepts of computers and its applications, application packages and information management.

b) appreciate the modern-day development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

c) develop computing skills

d) cultivate positive attitudes towards the ever-changing society with widespread utilization of computers

As a teacher I am required to do proper planning, implementation and recording of the learning and teaching of the syllabus content. It is recommended that based on the respective syllabus, teachers develop their own set of documents.

The process involves unpacking content from syllabi into the following documents:

Learning and Teaching Programme

Spread of coverage over the school terms.


The workbook is an individual teacher’s diary. It is to record the activities that the teacher is planning for the week as well as the activities actually carried out. Plans are to be submitted a week in advance and actual work completed is to be filled in at the end of each period.


Lesson plans contain the details of the lesson. It is to be prepared for each lesson taught – both theory and practical.

2.Strategies do you use to ensure that your learners master 21st Century skills

  • Theory with notes and discussions using real life examples
  • Class presentations after group discussion
  • Videos for explanation and processes, dismantling hardware and studying parts
  • Hands on training on applications and hardware
  • Setting up displays during department week programme
  • Internal Assessments (Projects) comprising 40% of Final exam marks
  1. As an ESL teacher/educator/facilitator of a private institute, I operationalize the institute’s curriculum by grasping the school’s scheme/frame work. I then familiarize myself with the guidelines, lessons, special teaching methods and standards implemented by the school. It’s compulsory that I plan for the curriculum and develop lesson plans that align with the concepts and its objectives. Review and assessment are on a daily basis with different types of assessment methods to evaluate students progress and understanding. Teaching materials, resources and textbooks are provided in accordance to the class levels.

  2. Strategies I use to ensure learners master 21st Century skills are as follows;

a. Child Centered Learning

  • ensure a safe study environment developing teamwork skills and problem solving skills

b. Inquiry-based Learning

  • allows my students to feel confident to ask questions

c. Technology Integration;

  • incorporating the use of technology into my lessons to enhance my student’s research and presentation skills

d. Social Communication Skills;

  • involve various intensive speaking activities to enhance listening and speaking skills
  • encourages cooperation among peers

e. Feedback and Reflection;

  • self assessment of learning and growth

Bula Ashik, I absolutely agree with your belief that incorporating technology into our teaching, can make the classes more engaging and relevant. Just took the words out of my thoughts exactly.

Ensuring that learners master 21st-century skills is essential to prepare them for the demands of the modern world, including critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and digital literacy. Here are strategies that I mostly use to help learners acquire and master these skills:

  • Collaborative Learning:

I foster a collaborative classroom environment where students work together on tasks and projects. This promotes teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills.

  • Inquiry-Based Learning:

I always encourage students to ask questions, investigate topics, and find answers independently. This approach enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Critical Thinking Exercises:

I try to incorporate exercises that challenge students to think critically, analyze information, and make informed decisions. Encourage them to evaluate evidence and consider multiple perspectives.

  • Technology Integration:

One of the major one I use is to integrate technology into the curriculum to enhance digital literacy and familiarity with tools for communication, research, and data analysis.

  • Games

I also use educational games and simulations to make learning fun and engaging while fostering problem-solving and decision-making skills.

  • Communication Skills Practice:

Encouraging students to take part in activities that focus on communication, such as debates, public speaking, and writing assignments, to develop effective communication and persuasion skills.

  • Feedback and Reflection:

I provide regular feedback and self-reflection to help students recognize their strengths and areas for improvement in 21st-century skill development.

By incorporating these strategies into the curriculum and classroom practices, educators can effectively foster the mastery of 21st-century skills among learners, preparing them for success in an ever-changing world.

  1. Project-Based Learning (PBL): I design learning activities in terms of projects where students collaborate and share ideas.
  2. Critical Thinking Activities: I encourage students to question, analyze, and evaluate information, so as to make informed decisions
  3. Technology Integration: I integrate technology into my lessons so as to improve information, media, and technology skills. This will give them more collaborative skills.
  4. Collaborative Learning: I encuourage group work that develops teamwork and communication skills,this allows students to learn from each other.
  5. Creativity and Innovation: I provide opportunities for students to think creatively, by encouraging them to explore new solutions and ideas.
  6. Communication Skills: I encourage effective verbal and written communication, which are fundamental skill in the 21st century.
  7. Problem-Based Learning (PBL): I expose students to authentic, complex problems, helping them develop skills to tackle real-life challenges.
  8. Information and digital Literacy: I teach students how to find, evaluate, and use information effectively, I also encourage them to acquire and become competent users of digital tools.
  9. Feedback and Reflection: I provide regular feedback and also encourage students to reflect on their learning by reflecting on all activities they do.
  1. The curriculum currently in use in Fiji Primary Schools have integrated the use of technology in learning and teaching which is a major change compared to the traditional curriculum. However, the delivery time is time consuming as it goes beyond the allocated time for the delivery.
  2. Some strategies used for learners to master 21 century skills are:
    a. Introducing technology as a part of lesson delivery in the learning environment.
    b. Teachers attending PDs on technology use in the classroom and the benefits.
    c. Create workshop to raise awareness on innovative skills learners can learn together with entrepreneur skills to gain more than employment.

To raise students’ performance in classroom teaching and learning, I have been using the following strategies:

  • Set Clear Learning Objectives: clearly communicate the learning objectives at the beginning of each lesson. This had helped students understand what was expected of them and provided a sense of direction.
  • Active learning: encouraged active participation and engagement in the learning process. Incorporated activities such as group discussions, practical lessons, and problem-solving exercises. This promoted critical thinking and deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Differentiated instruction: recognized that students possess diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests. A variety of teaching methods, materials, and assessments were used to cater to their individual needs.

Used E-learning method: integrated technological tools and resources into the classroom to enhance the learning process. This included interactive multimedia, online researched tools, and virtual simulations.

Provided timely feedback: regularly provided constructive feedback to students on their progress and performance. These assisted students understand their strengths and weaknesses and enabled them to make necessary adjustments.

Collaborative learning: fostered a cooperative and collaborative learning environment where students worked together on projects, assignments, and discussions. This promoted teamwork, communication skills, and peer learning.

Incorporate real-world connections: related classroom concepts to real-world applications and examples. Assisted students to understand how the knowledge and skills they were acquiring could be applied in practical situations.

Encouraged critical thinking: designed activities and assignments that require higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This enhanced students’ critical thinking skills and deepens their understanding of the subject matter.

Used formative assessments: implemented ongoing formative assessments throughout the learning process to monitor student progress and identified areas of improvement. This included quizzes and topic tests.

Cultivated a positive learned environment: created a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students felt safe to express their ideas, asked questions, and took risks. Fostered a positive teacher-student relationship and promoted mutual respect among peers.

  1. As an educator, I operationalize my curriculum by aligning it to the National Curriculum Framework. the syllabi is available and teaching and learning takes place by closely working with it. Other plans are prepared according to what is in the syllabi.
  2. Some strategies that are used to ensure that learners learn are:
  • the use of technology
  • various teaching strategies
  • projects and researches
  • home-based activities

As an educator, I operationalize my curriculum by first understanding the learning objectives and outcomes that I want to achieve with my students. I then plan and organize the content, activities, and assessments in a way that aligns with these objectives. This often involves creating lesson plans, developing teaching materials, and incorporating different instructional strategies to cater to the diverse learning needs of my students.
I also regularly assess and monitor the progress of my students to ensure that they are meeting the learning goals set out in the curriculum. This may involve using formative assessments, providing feedback, and adjusting my teaching approach as needed. Additionally, I strive to create a positive and inclusive learning environment that fosters student engagement and motivation to learn.
In operationalizing my curriculum, I also seek to integrate real-world applications and relevant, current topics to make the learning experience more meaningful and impactful for my students. I continuously reflect on my teaching practices and seek professional development opportunities to improve and refine my instructional methods.
Overall, my approach to operationalizing the curriculum as an educator involves careful planning, ongoing assessment, and a commitment to creating a dynamic and effective learning experience for my students.

Q2. To ensure that my learners master the 21st Century skills highlighted in the framework for 21st century learning, I employ a variety of strategies:

  1. Project-Based Learning: I incorporate project-based learning activities that require students to collaborate, think critically, and communicate effectively while solving real-world problems.
  2. Technology Integration: I integrate technology into my lessons to enhance digital literacy, creativity, and innovation. This includes using educational software, online resources, and multimedia tools to engage students in meaningful learning experiences.
  3. Inquiry-Based Learning: I encourage students to ask questions, explore topics of interest, and conduct research to develop their curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: I design group activities and discussions that promote teamwork, effective communication, and interpersonal skills. This helps students develop their ability to work collaboratively and express their ideas clearly.
  5. Global Awareness: I incorporate global issues and perspectives into the curriculum to foster cultural awareness, empathy, and a broader understanding of the world.
  6. Creativity and Innovation: I provide opportunities for students to express their creativity, think outside the box, and develop innovative solutions to challenges through open-ended projects and creative assignments.
  7. Self-Directed Learning: I support students in setting personal learning goals, managing their time, and taking ownership of their learning process to develop self-regulation and adaptability.
  8. Reflection and Feedback: I encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences and provide them with constructive feedback to help them improve their skills and performance.
    By implementing these strategies, I aim to ensure that my learners acquire and master the 21st Century skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world.

Q1. As an educator, I operationalize my curriculum by first understanding the learning objectives and outcomes that I want to achieve with my students. I then plan and organize the content, activities, and assessments in a way that aligns with these objectives. This often involves creating lesson plans, developing teaching materials, and incorporating different instructional strategies to cater to the diverse learning needs of my students.
I also regularly assess and monitor the progress of my students to ensure that they are meeting the learning goals set out in the curriculum. This may involve using formative assessments, providing feedback, and adjusting my teaching approach as needed. Additionally, I strive to create a positive and inclusive learning environment that fosters student engagement and motivation to learn.
In operationalizing my curriculum, I also seek to integrate real-world applications and relevant, current topics to make the learning experience more meaningful and impactful for my students. I continuously reflect on my teaching practices and seek professional development opportunities to improve and refine my instructional methods.
Overall, my approach to operationalizing the curriculum as an educator involves careful planning, ongoing assessment, and a commitment to creating a dynamic and effective learning experience for my students.

Q2. To ensure that my learners master the 21st Century skills highlighted in the framework for 21st century learning, I employ a variety of strategies:

  1. Project-Based Learning: I incorporate project-based learning activities that require students to collaborate, think critically, and communicate effectively while solving real-world problems.
  2. Technology Integration: I integrate technology into my lessons to enhance digital literacy, creativity, and innovation. This includes using educational software, online resources, and multimedia tools to engage students in meaningful learning experiences.
  3. Inquiry-Based Learning: I encourage students to ask questions, explore topics of interest, and conduct research to develop their curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: I design group activities and discussions that promote teamwork, effective communication, and interpersonal skills. This helps students develop their ability to work collaboratively and express their ideas clearly.
  5. Global Awareness: I incorporate global issues and perspectives into the curriculum to foster cultural awareness, empathy, and a broader understanding of the world.
  6. Creativity and Innovation: I provide opportunities for students to express their creativity, think outside the box, and develop innovative solutions to challenges through open-ended projects and creative assignments.
  7. Self-Directed Learning: I support students in setting personal learning goals, managing their time, and taking ownership of their learning process to develop self-regulation and adaptability.
  8. Reflection and Feedback: I encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences and provide them with constructive feedback to help them improve their skills and performance.
    By implementing these strategies, I aim to ensure that my learners acquire and master the 21st Century skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world.