Purposes of assessment

Watch the video clip on the following link and post your answer to the following questions in the discussion forum: https://youtu.be/_wvRJyTExVU

  1. According to the video clip, which of the two forms of assessment is more likely to cause panic and anxiety in your learners?
  2. Think about how you assess in your lessons and courses. What do you see as the main strengths and the main weaknesses of how you assess? Post your answer in the discussion forum. Also read what your peers have posted.
  3. Discuss with a colleague how you would avoid or minimise bad feelings about assessment from developing in your learners? You can do this virtually.

According to the video clip, i believe Assessment ‘OF" Learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety to the learners. It’s important to note that while assessment of learning has its disadvantages, it is a necessary component of the education system to gauge overall achievement and certify learning outcomes. However, incorporating a balanced approach that includes formative assessment, ongoing feedback, and assessment for learning can help mitigate some of these disadvantages and promote a more holistic understanding of students’ progress and capabilities.
Balancing assessment practices, integrating multiple assessment methods, addressing biases, and promoting a positive assessment culture are essential steps to maximize the strengths of assessments while mitigating their weaknesses.


The video clip led me to the conclusion that learners are more prone to experience panic and anxiety as a result of assessment “OF” learning. Although learning assessment has drawbacks, it is an essential part of the educational system that allows for the certification of learning outcomes and the measurement of overall progress. But implementing a well-balanced strategy that incorporates continuing feedback, formative assessment, and assessment for learning can help to alleviate some of these drawbacks and encourage a more comprehensive view of students’ development and potential.
Maximizing assessment strengths while minimizing assessment flaws requires balancing assessment practices, integrating numerous assessment methodologies, overcoming biases, and fostering a positive assessment culture.

According to the video, assessment of learning is more likely to cause panic in learners.
Assessing in my lessons and courses likely involves a mix of assessment methods. Here are some strengths and weaknesses I encounter in my assessment approach:

Main Strengths:

  1. Diversity of Assessment Methods: Using a variety of assessment methods (e.g., quizzes, essays, projects, presentations) caters to different learning styles and helps you evaluate various skills and knowledge areas.

  2. Feedback: Providing constructive feedback can be a strength, as it offers students the opportunity to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This aids in their overall learning process.

  3. Formative Assessments: Frequent use of formative assessments allows for ongoing monitoring of student progress, which helps identify and address learning gaps.

  4. Authentic Assessments: If your assessments simulate real-world tasks, it can be a strength as it assesses practical skills and application of knowledge.

  5. Fairness: Fair and transparent grading criteria can promote equity and reduce biases in assessment.

Main Weaknesses:

  1. Over-Reliance on High-Stakes Assessments: If you heavily depend on high-stakes assessments, it may increase student anxiety and fail to provide a comprehensive view of their abilities.

  2. Assessment Fatigue: A large number of assessments can lead to student burnout and detract from the learning experience.

  3. Time-Consuming: Constructive feedback and detailed grading can be time-consuming, especially in large classes.

  4. Lack of Alignment: If your assessments do not align well with your learning objectives, they may not effectively measure what you intend to teach.

  5. Limited Assessment of Skills: Assessments may focus more on content knowledge than on essential skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

To improve your assessment strategy, consider balancing your assessment types, making your criteria clear, and aligning assessments with learning objectives. Additionally, explore opportunities for peer and self-assessment to encourage student involvement in their own learning journey. Regularly evaluating and adjusting your assessment approach based on student feedback can help enhance your teaching and student outcomes.

Avoiding or minimizing negative feelings about assessment in your learners is important for creating a positive and productive learning environment. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  1. Clear Communication: Provide clear and transparent information about the assessment criteria, grading rubrics, and expectations. When students understand what is expected of them, it reduces uncertainty and anxiety.

  2. Formative Assessment: Integrate formative assessments, like quizzes or low-stakes assignments, into your teaching. These assessments provide students with opportunities to practice and receive feedback without the fear of significant consequences.

  3. Feedback Culture: Emphasize the value of feedback as a means of improvement rather than criticism. Encourage constructive feedback and offer guidance on how students can enhance their work.

  4. Assessment Alternatives: Diversify your assessment methods to accommodate different learning styles and preferences. Allow students to choose from a range of assessment options when appropriate.

  5. Peer and Self-Assessment: Incorporate peer and self-assessment, where students evaluate their own work or that of their peers. This helps them develop a deeper understanding of assessment criteria and fosters a sense of responsibility for their learning.

Assessement of Learning cause panic and anxiety in my learners. This type does not give rise to put students in a better position to do his/her best. When he fails the subject, automatically he thought to him/herself as failure. Few times he can try but many times, he will not be motivated to move forwards.

  1. Strengths - students take account of his/her learning seriously and will always be confident to him/her studies and work. gives students motivation and boost their learning when praise comes good from teachers.

Weaknesses - students might not be accountable for their attempt to improve. It will make them feel inferior when they compare themselves with others of not getting good results.

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Assessment of Learning will cause panic and anxiety in my learners.

The strengths are that students will know in which category they fall and work harder to aim for more marks and get lot of praises from teachers and parents as well.

The weaknesses are that they will have low self esteem and think they can’t achieve their goal so there can be drop out.

  1. I think Assessment of learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety.
    2.Main strenghts of my assessment includes , learners competing within themselves and they get used to examination process.
    Main weaknesses include students looking down on failures and they get board of exams.
    The bad feelings could be minimized by encouraging them about the assessment that there is nothing to worry since it is only done to help in your weak areas. It is just for development purpose.

It could be more likely that assessment of learning can cause panic and anxiety in learners. I tend to consider why causes panic. Is it the way we carry out the assessment, or the type itself? Can the way we administer the assessment cause no panic or anxiety in learners? May the panic and anxiety be the result of the way we administer our assessment? (competitive type?). I guess learners are conditioned to the fact that assessment is a public record of individual performance, known and their instructors, and that they (learners) are a little concern the trainers can tell the best student to the poor one, causing panic and anxiety.

One way I assess my lower class (year 10) is to collect their note books and assess it by my laid down criteria and my students are aware of - clean, no mixed up, dated, series etc. Good thing about this is that Students keep asking me to check their note books (at least they earn their assessment). May this is also a sign of weakness to one of my assessment method?

  1. Assessment of Learning is more likely to induce panic and anxiety in learners as it involves high-stakes, final evaluations. These assessments can create stress due to the fear of failure and may not support genuine understanding.

  2. The main strength of my assessment approach is its balance between formative and summative assessments, providing ongoing feedback and measuring overall achievement. However, a weakness lies in the potential for overemphasis on grades, which may hinder a focus on true learning.

  3. To mitigate negative feelings about assessment, I would emphasize a growth mindset, stressing that assessment is a learning tool, not just a judgment. Encouraging self-assessment, peer feedback, and a supportive learning environment would help learners view assessment as an opportunity for growth rather than a source of anxiety.


Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering evidence of what each student actually knows, understands, and can do. Assessment that causes panic in the students is summative assessment because they have to study everything from the beginning and it is always full scale.

  1. Learning must be assessed through performance: what students can do with their learning. As a teacher I assess my students through formative assessments. Every week I carry out topic in a particular concept to find out where my students fall. As a teacher I also assess them using concept map and assessing ghee through work. Our strengths are where we naturally excel and our weaknesses are the things we have to work on in order to be good at. Knowing your strengths allows you to succeed where things come easy to you, and knowing your weaknesses will show you what areas you have room for improvement in.

As teachers we should ask students to get up and stretch before an assessment to lighten the mood and distract them from the anxiety they may feel. You can also create more positive energy by letting students know it’s normal to feel some sort of anxiety before a test. Knowing they are not alone can help students feel less anxious.

I agree with you, As teachers of 21st century inorder to minimise bad feelings Bout assessment from our children orcdeveloping learners we need to encourage and motivate thdm to stipulate learning.
As teachers we should ask students to get up and stretch before an assessment to lighten the mood and distract them from the anxiety they may feel. You can also create more positive energy by letting students know it’s normal to feel some sort of anxiety before a test. Knowing they are not alone can help students feel less anxious.

  1. In the video clip assessment of learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety in students.

  2. Strengths
    A. Integrate assessments with instruction
    B. More engaging
    C. Develops learning skills
    D. Provides additional ways for the students to develop
    E. Emphasis on application of knowledge

A. Reliability is difficult to establish.
B. Inconsistency of student performances
C. Time consuming to prepare and mark.
D. Unfair for slow learners.

  1. Get into organised feelings. Always rely on the Lord for he knows the plans for you. Plans to make you prosper and have a good future. Avoid bad habits and support is needed from the community.
  1. Assessment of learning such as standardized tests that have significant consequences for a student’s academic future (e.g., college admissions tests), are often associated with higher levels of anxiety. The pressure to perform well and the perceived consequences of failure can lead to anxiety in many students.
  2. As for schools in Fiji, Assessment of learning is mostly used which is often associated with standardized testing, serves as a valuable tool in education with several notable strengths. It offers a means to evaluate what students have learned and whether they have met desired learning outcomes. This type of assessment is instrumental in maintaining accountability in education, ensuring that schools and educators adhere to educational standards. It also provides comparative data, facilitating the identification of areas of success and improvement within educational systems. Furthermore, assessment of learning can reward students for their achievements and contribute to curriculum enhancement by offering insights into areas needing further attention.

However, it comes with certain weaknesses. Assessment of Learning can generate stress and anxiety among students, potentially affecting their performance and overall well-being. Moreover, these assessments often have a narrow focus, emphasizing a limited set of skills or subjects, which may not adequately reflect students’ comprehensive abilities and knowledge. The pressure to perform well on such assessments can lead to the phenomenon of “teaching to the test,” where educators prioritize test-related content at the expense of a more holistic education. Inequities in testing conditions and resource access can create disparities in performance, and the emphasis on grades can overshadow the significance of the learning process itself. In conclusion, while assessment of learning offers vital insights, striking a balance with formative assessments and considering students’ well-being is essential to a more holistic and effective educational approach.
3. To avoid or minimize negative feelings about assessments in learners, educators can adopt several effective strategies. Begin by setting clear expectations and providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the assessment’s purpose, grading criteria, and content. Incorporate formative assessments that focus on learning and improvement rather than grades, and diversify assessment methods to accommodate diverse learning styles. Encourage student involvement in goal-setting and self-assessment, emphasizing a growth mindset. Prioritize constructive feedback and ensure equitable assessment practices. De-emphasize grades, celebrate students’ achievements, and maintain open communication to address concerns and create a positive, supportive assessment environment that values learning and growth over performance pressure.

According to the video clip, i believe Assessment of Learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety in learners. Assessment is a necessary component of the education system to gauge overall achievement of learning outcomes of learners. However, by incorporating a balanced approach that includes formative assessment, ongoing feedback, and assessment for learning can promote a more holistic understanding of students’ progress.

  1. Assessment of learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety in my learners.
  2. Strengths of how I assess:
  • it will give a clear picture of where learners at on a particular unit of work
  • It will give accurate area of learning I will want to assess.
  • I can devise learning methods that suit the assessments.
  • If I will not ensure how I assess I may not assess something that I should not assess.
  • I may design assessments strategies that are not appropriate.
  • I may get wrong impression on learners.
  1. According to the video, for me assessment of learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety in learners than assessment for learning This is because assessment of learning is typically used to measure student achievement at the end of a learning unit. Teachers just monitor how much students have understood the concept. This may also create worry and stressful feeling in students.
    Where as, I believe assessment for learning for our students is best for teachers to monitor student progress and provide feedback throughout the learning process. Students can continue learning from their mistakes and because feedbacks is given on that.
    Students also are more likely to feel comfortable participating in assessment for learning activities (short test, topic test, quiz, group competions and mental maths tests ) because they know that the goal is not to judge their performance, but to help them learn.

  2. I believe that the main strength of my assessment approach is that it is focused on helping students learn. I use a variety of assessment methods to gather information about student progress, and I use this information to provide feedback and support students as they work towards their learning goals. Assessment for learning brings interests in children to continue learning because they get feedbacks which enhance thier learning.

However, I also recognize that my assessment approach has some weaknesses. One weakness is that I can sometimes rely too heavily on summative assessments. This can be stressful for learners, and it may not give me the most accurate picture of their progress.
Time management- when there is more to complete in the syllabus teachers find difficulties in preparing and taking assessment, which is assessment for learning. Assessment preparation, conducting, markings and giving feedbacks should have enough time in teaching and learning for studdnts beneficial.

  1. There are a number of things that I can do to avoid or minimize bad feelings about assessment from in my learners:

Communicate the purpose of assessment clearly. Students need to understand why they are being assessed and how the assessment will help them learn.
Provide multiple opportunities for assessment. This gives students a chance to demonstrate their learning in different ways and to show their progress over time and they will also bring interests in doing assessments and in learning too.

Create a supportive learning environment. Students need to feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. They also need to know that their teacher is there to help them learn and succeed.
In addition to these general strategies, there are a number of specific things that I can do to make assessments less stressful for students. For example, I can provide students with practice opportunities and study guides before assessments. I can also give learners extra time to complete assessments if needed. And I can create a relaxed and supportive environment for assessments.

Ultimately, the goal is to create an assessment system that is fair, accurate, and supportive for all learners. By following the strategies above, I can help to minimize bad feelings about assessment and create a learning environment where all students can thrive.

  1. According to the video clip, which of the two forms of assessment is more likely to cause panic and anxiety in your learners?
    • Well in the video the two types of assessment that was discussed was assessment of learning and assessment for learning. The type of assessment that can cause panic and anxiety in learners were from assessment of learning which can send a message to student that they are not smart whereby this can demotivate students form learning.
  2. Think about how you assess in your lessons and courses. What do you see as the main strengths and the main weaknesses of how you assess? Post your answer in the discussion forum. Also read what your peers have posted.
    • There are only two types of assessments that i normally carry out in my class and they are:
  3. Formative Assessment:
    • Formative assessments include quizzes, class discussions, peer feedback, teacher-student conferences, homework assignments, and in-class activities. The strength of these assessments helps me in making real-time adjustments to my teaching methods based on student responses and needs.
  4. Summative Assessment:
    • Summative assessments include final exams, standardized tests, end-of-term projects, and large research papers. The strength of these assessments provide a comprehensive view of a student’s knowledge and skills at a particular point in time.

According to the video clip, assessment of learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety to the learners.
Main Strengths of my assessments:

  1. Clear criteria: having clear and specific criteria for assessment helps students understand what is expected of them
  2. Timely Feedback: providing timely and constructive feedback helps students understand their progress and areas for improvement.
  3. Validity and reliability: ensuring that assessments are valid and reliable helps ensure that they accurately measure student learning.
  4. Competition: learners competing with themselves and get used to examination process

1.Limited Scope: assessments may not capture the full range of student’s abilities or knowledge, as they focus on specific skills or content.
2. Time constraints: limited time for assessments may not allow students to fully demonstrate their understanding or skills, leading to incomplete or inaccurate results.

The bad feelings could be minimized by encouraging students about the assessment that there is nothing to worry since it is only done to help in their weak areas and is just for development purpose.
Remember, assessments should be designed to support learning and provide valuable insights into students progress.

According to the video clip, I believe Assessment ‘OF" Learning is more likely to cause panic and anxiety to the learners.
In assessing lessons and course I used both assessment of learning and also assessment for learning. Here are some strengths and weaknesses I encounter in my assessment approach:

Assessment OF learning

It provides you with a feedback if there are any gap in your learner’s knowledge and let you provide them with extra assistance if needed.


  • Time Management.
  • Planning ahead/study skills.
  • Paucity of time to practice in class.
  • Ongoing assessment is time-consuming.

According to the video clip, assessment of learning is more likely to cause pain and anxiety amongst learners.

Strengths of my assessments
learning occurs during assessment
establishes specific criteria to identify successful performance
emphasizes on application of knowledge
provides opportunities for formative assessment

Weaknesses of my assessments
students feel low when results don’t come as expected
across the board types of method - one exam for all types of students
judging students ability through formal and written assessments may not be the right method.