Educational issues that need to be regulated by policy:
- Funding of education
- Student discipline
Evaluation of learning - Examination regulations
Educational issues that need to be regulated by policy:
I believe an issue that needs to be regulated is âQuality of educationâ
An issue that needs to be regulated by the policy is the quality of education. Policies can be put in place to ensure that teachers are properly trained and qualified to teach. Policies can also ensure that schools have appropriate infrastructure and resources to support quality teaching and learning. Policies can also regulate the curriculum to ensure that it is up-to-date and relevant to the needs of learners.
Yes i totally agree that education should not have an age limit.Education has no limits.We leave and learn everyday.
For the policies i find that the curriculum is quite rigid and complex especially with infant classes.I believe that the teacher is the best judge for her class so let the teacher do her/ his work as long as the indicators are achieved.
This is where quality assurance in education comes in. This subject seems to be a grey area to the extent that when it comes to online learning which emphasizes quality assurance, there are somewhat clashes with the traditional âInspectorateâ system currently in use in conventional settings.
There have been several areas that need the policy to be addressed such as peer bullying, inadequate funding, out-of-school children, etc.
Nigeriaâs government has introduced and done a lot to address the huge number of out-of-school children even collaborating with reputable international organizations to handle the menace.
Recently, Educate A Child (EAC), a policy was introduced by UNICEF in collaboration with the government in the north-west Nigerian States of Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara, UNICEF has trained school-based management committees (SBMCs) to track out-of-school children and encourage their caregivers to send them to school. This programme was aimed at addressing the huge number of out-of-school children, especially in the Northerner states in Nigeria.
Another policy introduced to curb out-of-school children is the creation of Almajiri schools across the Northern states by the Nigeria Government.
There are couple of educational issues that needs regulation, some of which are
You are right, but education type and learnersâ levels need to be considered too.
Treating with low performing students from primary schools and not sending them to secondary without remediation and proper assessment.
There have been many policies written about the Education system in many countries around the world as you outlined above. But clearly some of these policies do not address - realistic and attainable outcomes.
Teachers shortage , upgrade of teachers, lack of professional training to deal with some issues that face schools, use of technology and lack of infrastructure at schools and the inequity that exist at different schools who are not able to get resources and support.
Many times the outlined goals fill a gap to treat with a general issue ,but there are so many other problems that affected a school before a school can even be part of this policy. So, it seems that policies in the education systems are made without consultation of some of the valuable stake holders- students, teacher and parents. Policy makers seem to have lost touch with what is really happening at school and why the issues are there in the first place. More engagement with all involved is needed.
I believe that there should be a selection criteria done for choosing Headteachers or else anyone can vye for that position.
Student attitude towards learning and examination malpractice needs to urgently address.
Educational Issues- Digital platforms for teaching and Learning. A Policy needs to be developed on E earning Policy where teaching and Learning continues in the aftermath of disasters /pandemics.
Missing marks
Assessment mode
Grade equivalence
Issues that need to regulated by policy are unreliable data, lack of continuity of programmes, funding, standardized testing,
Yes I agree with you
Not just digital platform
I agree that there should be a language policy used in schools. In our country we have such policy. The policy regulates the language of instruction in schools that the teacher must use in pre-school, primary and secondary schools. It states the different percent of language use (i.e. English and Mother tongue) for the different levels of education. For example, In pre-schools the teacher must speak 95% of the local language and 5% in English. It is quite confusing in the first place to know how much the teacher should speak in both languages as you cannot measure what you say when you speak, but the teachers are very smart and they come up with the idea of dividing the number of subjects that they teach to the two languages. So they speak in English when teaching some subjects and speak in the local language in other subjects. I think, for tertiary education such as TVET and universities, the medium of instruction should be the official second language used such as English.
Firstly, the right to education should be given to everyone and anyone regardless of their age and gender ( due to gender discrimination).
Secondly, the religion discrimination between the whites and the blacks which is common in schools now days
Thirdly, the biased nature of some teachers and management who do not give chance to the well deserving students in some cases such as induction of leaders or the equality in marking the paper of the students they like vs the students they do not.
Fourthly, the funding for studentâs education whereby thorough investigations should be made that children in poverty should be assisted in their education
Corporal Punishment has been commonly used and not legitimized in the past, and it was used as an effective means of disciplined students in schools. Nowadays, corporal punishment is recognized or prohibited under the laws of any countries. I believed that there are a few people (but not many) who are still practicing corporal punishment in the home and schools given it is prohibited under the Law and Education Act of their country.
I do not agree with that point as the education is changing in that context, for example in my former high school a head of mathematics teacher was appointed as an assistant principal after the changes to the education policy in Fiji he has now been demoted to head of mathematics again.