1.Choose any one of the assessment tasks that you have designed before for your learners. Use the matrix in Table 1 to analyse the assessment task.
2.On the basis of your analysis, think about how you can improve the task.
Share one idea for improving the task in the discussion forum.
Based on my Analysis i have found out that it is very similar to how we prepare Blueprints when preparing for Summative Assessment, especially for the major Exams in Primary School. So while preparing for an Assessment, a teacher has to keep in mind that the SIX CONCEPTS AND SKILLS (Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate and Create) has to be achieved in that particular assessment. The other factors to consider are the Class Level and the Capabilities of the Learners. The higher the class level and capabilities of learner means more questions to address CREATIVITY, EVALUATION and ANALYSIS. Which means that there will be more points or marks given to the last three concepts and skills than to the first three (remember, understand and apply). So it simply means that during the course of teaching and learning, we must prepare a student who MUST be able to master the six Concepts and Skills as stated in the Blooms Taxonomy theory.
One of the assessment task I have prepared for my year 13 computers students is Annual Examination. Basically when preparing any assessment task we need to prepare the blueprint. Using the blueprint the question paper is designed. For year 13 level blueprint has the following components
Analysis/ Application/ Synthesis/ Evaluation
Ability to recall information and data
Ability to translate and interpret information
Ability to apply knowledge to new situations especially problem solving
This is similar to the matrix discussed in the notes. To improve analysis we can further breakdown the cognitive level. This is a summative assessment task hence we cannot include the design or create.
The assessment task I’ll analyze is related to “Research methodology”. The task is designed to assess students’ understanding of various research methodologies and their importance.
I evaluated it using the matrix in Table 5:
Topic: Research methodology
Concept/Skills: Understanding types and importance
Number of items: 5
The assessment focuses on a specific topic, “Research methodology,” ensuring alignment between the task and the intended concept or skill.
It’s at Level 1, indicating that it aims to assess foundational knowledge about research methodologies.
There are 5 items in the assessment, which allows for a more comprehensive evaluation.
To further enhance this assessment, several improvements can be made:
Diversify Assessment Methods: Instead of relying solely on multiple-choice questions, incorporate different assessment methods like short essays or practical scenarios that require students to apply their knowledge of research methodologies in real-world situations.
Increase Complexity: While Level 1 is appropriate for foundational knowledge, consider designing some questions at Level 2 to assess students’ ability to compare and contrast different research methodologies or make judgments about their appropriateness in specific research contexts.
Include More Items: Expanding the number of items in this assessment will provide a more accurate and reliable measure of students’ understanding of research methodology. A larger pool of questions ensures better coverage of the topic.
Incorporate Practical Aspects: Integrate practical elements, such as critiquing research designs or proposing a research methodology for a given research question, to make the assessment more authentic and relevant.
By making these improvements, the assessment task can become a more robust and comprehensive tool for evaluating students’ understanding of research methodology, aligning better with the skills and knowledge they need to develop.
In context to Fiji there are six levels to analyse the assessment task. . The six levels are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Bloom’s taxonomy was developed to provide a common language for teachers to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods. Using these six levels the questions are design acoording to it to add up to the total mark. In simple terms it is called a blue print.
The task can be improved is be aware that it requires fime and effort to maintain, and this must be properly accounted.
Upon my analysis, I’ve observed a strong resemblance between the preparation for summative assessments, especially major exams in primary school, and the process outlined in the task. When getting ready for an assessment, we bear in mind that the six core concepts and skills (Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate, and Create) should be achieved within that specific assessment. Additionally, they need to consider factors like the grade level and the learners’ capabilities. Higher-grade levels and more proficient learners necessitate a greater emphasis on addressing creativity, evaluation, and analysis, translating to a higher allocation of points or marks for the latter three skills, as opposed to the first three (Remember, Understand, and Apply). This underscores the importance of equipping students throughout the teaching and learning journey to master all six concepts and skills, in accordance with Bloom’s Taxonomy theory.
The assessment task I have prepared for my class is Annual Examination. When preparing any assessment task we need to prepare a blueprint. Using the blueprint, the question paper is designed.
To improve assessment tasks using Bloom’s Taxonomy, we can:
Incorporate higher order thinking: design tasks that require students to analyze, evaluate, and create, going beyond simple recall or comprehension.
Provide clear instruction: clearly communicate the expectations and criteria for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy to guide students in their responses.
Scaffold the learning process: provide support and guidance as students progress through the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy to help them build their skills.
Provide timely feedback: offer constructive feedback that aligns with the specific level of Bloom’s Taxonomy to help students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
Offer multiple assessment methods: use a variety of assessment methods, such as projects, presentations, or discussions to allow students to demonstrate their understanding in different ways.
By implementing these strategies, assessments using Bloom’s Taxonomy can become more engaging, meaningful. and effective in promoting deep learning
Through Internal Assessments given by the ministry of Education in our country. Tasks are given and we are to choose which aspect the child will create to complete this task.
In Visual Art, themes are given and I the teacher will help the student choose which strand he or she is familiar with. This helps them when marking the final artwork.
Rubrics are used to mark this assessments. The students will have to follow with the given instructions to pass.
I would design the blueprint for my Annual Examination paper. For preparing a balanced paper and the paper should address all the concepts. I need to prepare a well planned blueprint keeping in mind of the six core concepts (Remember, Understand, Apply , Analyse, Evaluate and Create) this core concepts should be achieved in the assessment. Adding on, while preparing the blueprint I should consider that this six core concepts should also cater all grade of learners and their capabilities. There should some higher level question for higher achiever such as from (creativity, evaluating and analysis) and also for underscores. It is very important to make the students go through the Bloom Taxonomy theory and It’s six core concepts.
I will choose an assessment task related to persuasive writing. The task is as follows:
Assessment Task: Persuasive Essay
Task Description: Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the implementation of a school uniform policy. Provide strong reasons, evidence, and examples to support your position. Your essay should be well-structured, concise, and convincing.
Analyzing the assessment task using Bloom’s Taxonomy:
This task requires students to recall information about persuasive writing techniques.
They need to remember the key elements of a persuasive essay (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion).
Students must comprehend the purpose and structure of a persuasive essay.
They need to understand the difference between persuasive and informative writing.
Students have to apply their understanding by choosing a stance (for or against school uniforms) and effectively incorporating persuasive techniques in their writing.
They need to use their knowledge to construct a well-organized essay.
Students must critically evaluate their chosen stance, considering various perspectives and potential counterarguments.
They need to analyze the strength of their own arguments and the evidence they provide.
Students will need to assess the effectiveness of their essay in persuading the reader of their chosen viewpoint.
They should evaluate whether they’ve provided compelling reasons and evidence.
This task requires students to create a persuasive essay from scratch, utilizing their knowledge and skills in persuasive writing.
Overall, this assessment task effectively covers a range of cognitive levels according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. It starts with lower-level cognitive skills like remembering and understanding, and gradually progresses to higher-level skills such as applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. This ensures a comprehensive evaluation of the student’s proficiency in persuasive writing.
One thing that I can improve on after reviewing Bloom’s is that to ensure that designing an assessment task should cover most if not all of these domains. This is important because it will improve the reliability of the task.
The assessment task I have prepared for my class is Annual Examination. The question paper is designed using the blueprint.
Examining the assessment task using Bloom’s Taxonomy:
The assessment task I have prepared for my class is Annual Examination. When preparing any assessment task first we need to prepare a blueprint. Using the blueprint, the question paper is prepared. When preparing the assessment task using Bloom’s Taxonomy, Remembering,Understanding, Applying, Analyzing,Evaluating andCreating covers different levels of cognitive domains. It also enables us to design a balanced paper in almost all subject areas…
I’ve been using Bloom Taxonomy method ever since I started teaching. I found out that it is the best method to use in order to have a balance Exam Papers. Since I’m teaching lower primary from the past 5 years, I focused only on the first 3 levels which is Remember, Understand and Apply. These first 3 levels match the capabilities of my learners. I believe the higher the class level and abilities of student implies more inquiries to address Analysis, Evaluation, and Creativity.
Blooms taxonomy is always detailed in the Blueprints its stated there on the types of questions asked for the level of students in your class. It has to be balanced for higher achievers and likewise for lower achievers
Based on my analysis, Blueprints should be made according to the students learning needs. For example, our school is a Inclusive Primary school, where different abilities of students come. So we do have to consider them as well so that the assessment is fair to all learners.
Choose any one of the assessment tasks that you have designed before for your learners. Use the matrix in Table 1 to analyse the assessment task.
2.On the basis of your analysis, think about how you can improve the task.
Share one idea for improving the task in the discussion forum.
The assessment task that I will prepare will be Term 3 Internal Assessment for my Year Level. First I will prepare the blueprint whereby Bloom’s Taxonomy 6 components will be used to prepare the papers.
Varieties of questions will be tested on the concepts taught. It’s the best method to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in order to have a balanced set of questions. The first three levels match the capabilities of my learners.
To prepare assessment tasks I will:
Give clear instructions and guide my students.
Timely feedback provided to help students understand.
Scaffolding and provide guidance to build my students skills.
Out of 24 test items, the distribution is as follows:
Remembering - 2
Understanding - 5
Apply - 2
Analyse - 4
Evaluate - 3
Create - 8
The ratio of lower order questions to higher order questions is equal to 7:17.
I feel I should increased the understanding to 4 and remembering questions to 4 and increase apply and analysis to 4 and create to remain as 8 items. I have given more weight on higher order questions. Create is given the highest weight because it is more aligned to authentic learning.