Use of learning and data analytics

  1. Take your subject area and examine the test scores of your learners over a period of 6 months. Explain the performance pattern that emerges.
  2. Do the same exercise for your learners across different subjects. Explain the patterns that emerge and action you need to take to improve performance.

You can share one or two of your findings with your peers in the discussion forum.

  1. Examining Test Scores in My Subject Area (Biology):
    Over the past 6 months, I’ve observed a performance pattern among my biology learners. Initially, scores were mixed, with some students excelling, while others struggled. As the months progressed, there was a noticeable improvement in overall performance. This pattern suggests that my teaching methods and the students’ learning strategies have been effective. The initial mixed performance might have been due to the diverse prior knowledge levels of the students. With ongoing support, more students grasped the subject matter and improved their test scores.

  2. Examining Test Scores Across Different Subjects:
    To improve the performance of my learners across different subjects, I need to analyze the performance patterns and take appropriate actions:

a. Mathematics: There’s a consistent trend of low scores in mathematics across the board. This suggests a common challenge. To improve performance, I should consider providing additional math support, such as tutoring or tailored resources. Collaborating with math teachers to identify areas of struggle can also be beneficial.

b. English: English scores show a fluctuating pattern, with periods of high and low performance. It’s crucial to maintain consistency and reinforce core language skills. Implementing regular assessments and offering individualized support to struggling students can help.

In summary, analyzing test scores across subjects reveals unique patterns and challenges. By implementing targeted actions, such as additional support in mathematics, reinforcement of language skills in English, and continued effective teaching, I can work toward improving overall learner performance in each subject. Monitoring and adjusting teaching methods based on these patterns is essential for ongoing success.

Upon analyzing my test score in Mathematics, a significant drop in test scores among students were noted. One key factor is the lack of student motivation and engagement with the subject. Mathematics is challenging, and when students don’t find it interesting or relevant to their lives, their commitment to learning it declines. The rise of distractions, such as social media and other digital platforms, has further worsened this issue. These technologies offer immediate gratification and entertainment, drawing students away from the study of mathematics, which often requires patience and sustained effort.

Additionally, the drop in test scores may also be linked to a lack of effective study habits and time management. Some students struggle with organizing their study time efficiently, leading to last-minute cramming and ineffective learning. Furthermore, inadequate teacher-student interaction and personalized support can hinder the development of a strong foundation in mathematics. When students don’t receive the necessary guidance and encouragement, they may become disheartened and disengaged.

Social and emotional factors also play a role in declining test scores. Issues such as stress, anxiety, and peer pressure can impact students’ ability to concentrate on their studies. These factors can create a negative cycle where lower scores lead to decreased confidence, further reducing motivation and performance. In sum, addressing the decline in test scores in mathematics requires a comprehensive approach that includes motivation, study habits, effective teaching methods, and emotional support to help students regain their interest and confidence in the subject.

  1. The mixed results in test scores for learners in English and Science over a six-month period may be attributed to various factors. These could include differences in individual learning styles and strengths among the students. Some students may naturally excel in one subject but struggle in another due to varying interests and aptitudes. Additionally, the quality and style of teaching, as well as the availability of educational resources, also impacts student performance. Differences in study habits, motivation, and access to additional support also contribute to the varied outcomes. Addressing these factors through differentiated teaching and support can help bridge the performance gaps and create a more balanced learning environment.

After analyzing my test score in Mathematics for 6 months , it was found out that there was a significant drop in test scores amongst students. Some the keys factors that were hindering the students were bad experience with other teachers which limits the motivation and engagement of students through Mathematics. Students find Mathematics really is challenging. The decline of students distracts them towards social media which is more worse. It influence students a lot.
Adding on the other effect of the more score is the last minute studies for the exam and cramming things in one night builds up the stress level in children which automatically affects the test.
Some of the ways to overcome this problem of decline in students marks is to motivate students, create a good teacher student relationship, use effective teaching methods to regain students interest and attention towards studies.

  1. The test score of English and Hindi for learners over the six months are affected due to various factors. Some of the factors are switch in the language from English to Hindi. Next is the strength and understanding capabilities of the students. Some students are good in one subject and find it difficulties in coping up with other. There are ways to overcome the challenges faced by students for example: change in the teaching style , use technology for teaching and varieties of educational resources. Give regular feedback to students and work on the weakness of the students. closing the bridge of gaps for students and create a supportive learning environment.

Over the past 6 months, students performance in Mathematics has been a bit mixed. Some students have shown improvement and achieved higher scores, while others have struggled a bit and had lower scores. It is important to identify areas where students are struggling and provide additional support and resources to help them improve, With continued effort and targeted interventions, we can work towards improving overall Mathematics performance.

In other subjects, patterns have also emerged where some students excel while others may face challenges. To improve performance, it is important to identify the specific areas where students are struggling and provide targeted support. This could include additional practice, one-on-one assistance, or differentiated instruction to meet individual needs. Creating a positive and supportive learning environment can also help motivate and engage students, leading to improved performance across all subjects.

  1. When it comes to education, there are heaps of factors that may influence the learner and their results.

In the past 6 months, some students have improved rapidly, some failed and others hwere constant.
Students in my area of teaching are highly affected in their home environment.

It has resulted to them dropping out for a period of time. Less focus on given lessons. Peer pressure or even bully.

  1. When we were hit by Covid, many issues arose. The students were so lazy and they would be late to school. They would give in their assignments late or miss school most of the time.

It was only the bright students that were keen enough to be collaborative with most assignments given out. It was more like this was their first ever day in school. There was a lot of catching up to do.

Upon analyzing my test score in Mathematics, there is increase in their scores. One of the major factor that contribute to this is use of problem solving strategies which enables the students to develop different mathematics skills. Through this startegies the students are able to confront a question for which they don’t have the solution and apply the approach to get the answer.

However, compared to other subject’s like General Subjects and English the students drop because the students have the problem in reading and comprehending. They are not able to understand what thay have read. Therefore as teachers it is very important that we adopt to the varieties of startegies to enhance the performance ofbthe students and assist students to build understanding by motivating studwnts to do more reading.

The scores of learners are constantly changing depending of students learning pace. More intervention strategies should be used in order to guide the struggling learners.

  1. Take your subject area and examine the test scores of your learners over a period of 6 months. Explain the performance pattern that emerges.

As I looked back to one of my teaching subjects on the student’s record in my assessment the performance pattern which was portrayed is that students with high grades seem to be consistent across the six months period. Again, students with lower grades keep it across the same time period.

  1. Do the same exercise for your learners across different subjects. Explain the patterns that emerge and action you need to take to improve performance.

Patterns that emerge. The students test scores varies throughout. This pattern can give us some important insight to the assessments we provide to the students. Not only that but looking to test scores for example one student perform very well in one subject and entirely opposite on another subject.

Actions to be done to improve performance

  • Designing assessments must be on the subject matter taught to the students.
  • It must be appropriate and achievable language
  • It should be objective and avoid long explanation
  • Avoid asking compound question.

After analyzing the students results for the past six months, I noted that Advanced Students are more likely to build confident in their work and learning and they are able to be more consistent with their result. Proficient learners are seen instable and the graph shows fluctuation in their result. For Basic and Below Basic Learner, their results are either the same or decreased but hardly any of them improved. Few factors which I believe that is affecting them are; Lack of student engagement and motivation, Peer Pressure, Poor parental engagement and the Socioeconomic background of the learners. These factors plays a vital role in the learning development of any child.

Area of Improvements might include;
Peer Pressure:

  1. Educational Programs: Implement educational programs that focus on building students’ self-esteem and confidence, helping them resist negative peer pressure.
  2. Peer Mentoring: Establish peer mentoring or support systems within the school, where older students can mentor and guide younger ones on making positive choices.
  3. Open Communication: Encourage open communication between students, teachers, and parents, so students feel comfortable discussing peer pressure issues and seeking help when needed.

Poor Parental Engagement:

  1. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Schedule regular parent-teacher conferences to discuss students’ progress and areas for improvement, and provide parents with strategies to support their children at home.
  2. Parent Workshops: Host workshops on parenting skills, homework help, and how to engage with the school effectively.
  3. Communication Tools: Utilize technology, such as online portals and apps, to keep parents informed about school events, their child’s performance, and important updates.

Poor Socioeconomic Background:

  1. Access to Resources: Provide resources like free or reduced-price school meals, textbooks, and school supplies to alleviate financial burdens on low-income families.
  2. After-School Programs: Offer after-school programs or tutoring for students who need additional academic support.
  3. Community Partnerships: Collaborate with community organizations to provide services like healthcare, mentoring, and counseling to address broader social and emotional needs.

Lack of Student Engagement and Motivation:

  1. Project-Based Learning: Incorporate interactive and hands-on learning activities to make lessons more engaging and relevant to students’ lives.
  2. Personalized Learning: Tailor instruction to individual student needs, interests, and learning styles to boost motivation.
  3. Recognition and Rewards: Establish a system of rewards or recognition for student achievements, both academic and non-academic, to encourage motivation.
  4. Mentoring and Counseling: Implement mentoring and counseling services to address underlying issues affecting student motivation, such as personal challenges or mental health concerns.
  5. Goal Setting: Encourage students to set achievable goals and create a roadmap to help them stay focused and motivated.

It’s important to involve all stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and the community, in these improvement plans. Collaboration and a holistic approach are often effective in addressing these challenges and creating a supportive learning environment.

The score continuously changes as they move to different strands. more guidance to be given to the slow or struggling learners.

There was a noticeable decline in test results among pupils; it was discovered after six months of studying my Computer Studies year 13 exam result. A few of the main things impeding the students’ progress were their negative experiences with other teachers, which reduced their enthusiasm and interest in computer studies. C++ programming is difficult for some students to understand. Even worse, the drop in student enrollment diverts them to social media. It has a big impact on students. Additionally, studying for an exam at the last minute and packing a lot into one night raises children’s stress levels, which naturally impacts test scores.

Regaining students’ interest and attention in their studies through effective teaching methods, building strong teacher-student relationships, and motivating them are some strategies to address the issue of declining student marks. Use team or peer-to-peer teaching.

Throughout the course of six months, a number of things can impact a learner’s performance on the Mathematics and Accounts year 13 tests. The pupils’ strength and comprehension levels come next. Certain pupils excel in a certain subject but struggle in others. There are ways to help kids overcome their obstacles, such as changing the way they are taught, utilizing technology in the classroom, and using a variety of educational resources. Provide pupils with regular feedback and address their areas of weakness. bridging the gap for pupils and establishing a nurturing classroom environment.

Interesting points have been posted in this forum on patterns you identified in the performance of learners in your subjects. I am sure you appreciate the value of analysing performance data in your subject areas. Learning analytics helps identify gaps in performance and introduce corrective measures timeously.
There are also indications that generally, learners tend to perform worst in Mathematics. Perhaps the problem lies with methods teachers use in teaching the subject. How can we draw on available technologies to improve teaching and learning of Maths concepts.

After the 6 months course, I noticed that more students tend to improve in their performance unless few remain stable in their marks. For example, for those who have failed in the last assessment they make it on the next assessment. Students are different in their way of learning .So happy to see them progressing.

Upon analysing the test scores, it came to my attention that advance learners were progressing whereas the slow learners were not progressing.
For Mathematics and Language there needs to lots of attention given to slow learners since they are not able to cope up with their subject.
I think more of intervention strategies to be used in order for the struggling learners to cope up.

When analysed data there was slight improvements by fast learners while slow learners were fluctuating.
I believe slow learners need more attention

Take your subject area and examine the test scores of your learners over a period of 6 months. Explain the performance pattern that emerges.Do the same exercise for your learners across different subjects. Explain the patterns that emerge and action you need to take to improve performance.

You can share one or two of your findings with your peers in the discussion forum.

When the assessment has a less total mark, most students get higher marks but when the total marks for the assessment increases, the marks decreases so the pattern found in the last assessments depend on the total number of the assessment tasks. If the total of the assessment increases so the result decreases and if decreases the result increases.
I could say here that the three lower level of skills I had used in my assessment could be a reason of training the students to remember only but not to be critical thinkers. This could result in making students not to remember many concept.

Evaluating the Geography subject result, the same happens to the Mathematics result. The more learning concepts assessed, the more poor result will be. Here I can suggest that both the Geography and also Mathematics teachers would change the way they design the assessment tasks and lesson activities. All level of skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy should be assessed in areas that require more advanced levels.

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The trend shows positive trend with good performance across the topics in the education course with slight deviations. However students taking mathematics and physics combinations are performing decimally and with some negative deviations within the topics. There is need for remedial teaching in science and mathematics to improve the performance. The tutor should increase the number of student exercises and apply mastery learning approach to improve on the performance.

This should definitely work.