The Moodle is the common LMS used in our tertiary institutions in Kiribati. This is useful to support the learning of students as they can access their learning materials and communicate with their peers and teachers.
I use Moodle, I think t’s important to use the LMS in a way that aligns with my teaching philosophy and goals and to remain flexible and adaptable.
2. It helpful for creating a course outline or syllabus, uploading course materials such as readings and videos, and creating assignments and assessments. Also helpful to communicate with my students and facilitate discussion and collaboration by posting announcements and updates, initiate discussions, and provide feedback and grades on assignments.
We use Moodle, which is a great tool. It has a lot of options to communicate with students and conduct teaching/learning activities such as Moodle Quiz, Discussion Forums, Drop Box, etc.
Initially we used Infinity but it is now dysfunctional; Notesmaster took its stead.
Orientation; Continuous individual orientation into technology and LMS use; F2F twice a week, Assessments, Support platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Email and phones.
There are still challenges with giving feedback due to large enrolment numbers and other technical issues currently engulfing our context.
The Learning Management System (LMS) we use in our context is Moodle. The way we support our learners using our institutional LMS is described below;
We prepare relevant learning materials including reading materials and video clips on different topics for students, and send it onto the school Moodle for the students to access before the class or lesson holds. We also encourage students to share what they learnt from the learning material with their peers on the Moodle during the lesson. The teachers equally make overall comments and guide, and provide students with a knowledge-based assessment on the topics to ensure every student has learnt something from the learning materials. A knowledge-based assessment is given consisting of about 5 to10 multiple choice questions, which students access on the Moodle instantly and immediate feedback is provided for students to ascertain their areas of strength and weakness. The teachers should then ask if there are further questions or needs for more clarifications about the topics. Students are encouraged to post on the discussion forum.
My College has a dedicated Learning Management System (LMS) that is centralize, and provided by FlexiSaf Migeria. However, free web-based platform like Google Classroom are used by individual teachers to manage and organize their digital classrooms. How we support our learners using our institutional LMS
2. Through Access to Learning Materials on the LMS, and also facilitate communication between learners and instructors or other learners.
My College has a dedicated Learning Management System (LMS) that is centralize, and provided by FlexiSaf Migeria. However, free web-based platform like Google Classroom are used by individual teachers to manage and organize their digital classrooms. How we support our learners using our institutional LMS
Through Access to Learning Materials on the LMS, and also facilitate communication between learners and instructors or other learners.
The common tool used is the Moodle. This is easily done the ICT department. It is accessible to all the students. Communication becomes effective and easy by using Moodle.
My Organization mandates every facilitator to use moodle as their Learner Management System (LMS). And it is handled and maintained by the ICT department…
Its easy to use by both learners and facilitators, it stores articles, save links for references, allows for easy navigation. It creates a great platform for free flow communication.
My institution has a dictated LMS for the distant learning program. Our LMS provide a discussion forum for students to share and raise questions for every topic discussed. There are also activities associated with each topic of discussion. Assignments are also a part of each module they participate in. Resources are available for download at anytime for learners. Other platforms are also used along the LMS for easy communication among learners.
During the Covid 19 pandemic, we used TEAMS platform, but because the MOE has continue to do F2F.
MS Teams was used and it was difficult to download this platform on the device they used.
Some teachers used Google classrooms, Zoom and google meet, since it was preferred by parents and students. WhatsApp was also used.
we use Moodle in our institute to train online classes ;
The courses that we have online are Diploma in ICT , Diploma in Human Resource and Diploma in Community Development;
I support the trainees by assisting them to log in and other challenges.
I upload content on the LMS and also coordinate online training.
In case of technical issues i coordinate with the system admin
Moodle is a widely used open-source learning management system (LMS) that supports student learning in various ways. Here are some of the key ways Moodle supports student learning:
Centralized Learning Hub: Moodle serves as a centralized online platform where students can access all their course materials, resources, and activities. This makes it convenient for students to find everything they need in one place.
Course Content Delivery: Instructors can upload course materials such as lecture notes, readings, videos, and presentations. Students can access these materials at any time, allowing for self-paced learning.
Discussion Forums: Moodle offers discussion forums where students can engage in online discussions, ask questions, and participate in peer-to-peer learning. These forums promote collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Assignments and Assessments: Instructors can create, distribute, and collect assignments and assessments through Moodle. Students can submit assignments online, receive feedback, and view their grades.
Quizzes and Surveys: Moodle allows instructors to create quizzes and surveys that can be self-assessed or graded automatically. This supports formative and summative assessment.
Interactive Activities: Moodle offers various interactive activities such as wikis, workshops, and choice activities. These tools engage students in collaborative learning and problem-solving.
Gradebook: Students can track their progress and grades through the Moodle gradebook. This transparency promotes a sense of accountability and helps students identify areas for improvement.
Notifications and Announcements: Moodle provides notifications and announcement features, ensuring that students are informed about important updates, deadlines, and course announcements.
Resource Repository: Instructors can build and share a repository of learning resources for students, including external links, files, and multimedia content.
Adaptive Learning: Some Moodle plugins and add-ons support adaptive learning, where content and activities are tailored to individual student progress and needs.
Feedback and Self-Assessment: Students can receive feedback from instructors and peers, and they can engage in self-assessment and reflection on their learning progress.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: Moodle is designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities, can access and engage with the platform’s content.
Privacy and Security: Moodle offers features to protect student data and ensure a safe and secure online learning environment.
Mobile Accessibility: Moodle can be accessed via mobile devices, allowing students to learn on the go and enhancing flexibility.
Analytics and Reporting: Moodle provides analytics and reporting tools that help instructors and institutions track student engagement and performance, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
Integration with Other Tools: Moodle can integrate with various third-party tools, such as video conferencing platforms, to enhance the learning experience.
Moodle’s versatility and adaptability make it a valuable tool for both traditional and online education. It supports a variety of instructional strategies and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different educational contexts and institutions.
We use Moodle and we seek to provide training to both staff and students on how to best utilise it. We also try to stay current with the available versions.
We use moodle learning management system.
Besides the system we need well curated content and strong pastoral support.
We use email, phone call, whatsapp messaging and many other technologies to support learners
In my context Moodle is used to support learners. Learners are supported by ensuring that most reading materials, assignments, exercises and course information are posted on the LMS. Learners can also participate in discussion forums where the teacher moderates and provides guidance to the learners.