Suppose I teach Diploma in Information and Communication Technology students on the topic âUSING WORD PROCESSING SOFTWAREâ. The learning outcome of the lesson is - âstudents should be able to understand the features of word processors and apply the in creating documentsâ. There are 50 students in this DICT 1 CLASS. The Institute which I teach had a moodle and platform discussion forum where all students can access online.
Provided below are my strategies to ensure the students are to engage and learn effectively using a blended learning approach:
Before Class
I prepare reading materials relevant to the topic for students that I extracted from the online resources. Students should access the readings on the school moodle and to complete a short quiz based on the readings.
Video clip relate to a using word processors What is Word Processing Software?-Features and Uses of Word Processor
is also created and uploaded on the moddle for students to watch before class. They should take notes when watching the video clip and must come up with one or two questions and post on a discussion forum.
Students must contribute to questions that are posted on a discussion forum.
Tutor to facilitate the online discussion to ensure students are engaged and learn from each other in order to understand online information (readings and video clip) for example concepts about the topic like what is it?, What are the features and examples of the perfect competitive market?
During Class
Group students into 10 groups with 5 students in each group. Engage the students in each group to discuss on what they have learned from their readings and watching a video clip. This time they should ask their peers by exchanging their views. Give them a few minutes to discuss in their group. The tutor to walk around to each group for clarifications when needed. When their time permit of discussion elapsed, each group must present to the whole class to share their findings relate to what is a word processor, give examples and how it operates in their local area. Allow students to give comments or feedback based on the findings from each group.
-After the discussion about the topic in groups, dismantle the group and allow students to work individually by providing them with a knowledge-based assessment on the topic to ensure that each student have learned from their peer-groups, readings and video clip.
The knowledge-based assessment consist of 10 multiple choice questions and students should access it on the Moodle. The knowledge assessment must be completed on the spot, feedback of the test knowledge also provided automatically on the Moodle after students answered every question.
After the test knowledge and the teacher should ask students if they have further questions and need further clarifications about the topic, they should post on the forum discussion.
After Class
Recap on the lesson by summarizing the topic to students. Also post the summary of the topic on the Moodle for students to read it. Provide one scenario-based assessment that is in the form of a quiz - multiple choice questions with 10 items. Students must attempt it on the Moodle. They can make re-attempts on the scenario-based assessment.