Principles of staff recruitment

The International Labour Organization (ILO) provides guidelines for recruitment process in organization, thus, includes Human Rights.

  • Removal of All Forms of Forced: Schools in Fiji do not engage in forced or compulsory labor practices. (Rating:6)
  • Elimination of Child Labor: Child labor is strictly prohibited. Fiji, like most countries, does not engage in child labor practices in schools. (Rating: 6)
  • Removal of Discrimination in terms of Employment: Schools in Fiji do not discriminate against employees based on their gender or race. It says we are all equal. (Rating: 6)
  • Occupational Safety and Health: Fijis School follows the OHS policies effectively. Safety comes first. (Rating: 5)

Hence, Schools in Fiji do align with the ILO principles.

Learning activity 3
The staff recruitment is conducted when someone has attained qualification to become a teacher from a university. When application is submitted to the HR and there is vacancy then recruitment is done. The practice of recruitment is done according to the policies required to provide employment. When recruitment is done it meets the ILO principles as the teacher is selected from the requirements and qualification submitted. It is also done according to the rules where the teacher selected is also provided with rules and guidance for the employment.
When a teacher is selected to work in the ministry of education they are also explained about the requirements. When a teacher is transferred to a school they are provided with the resources and safe working environment. The teachers are also provided with professional development sessions so that they can effectively develop skills required. During the employment different policies can be referred by the teacher which is a guide provided by ministry of education. The HR rating for the organization can be given six which is excellent as guidance is provided during recruitment and also during employment.
The school in which teachers are transferred head of school guides the teachers based on the requirements from ministry of education. When teachers start the work, they are also monitored and provided feedback by the head of school so that they can develop the effective skills. The teachers are also motivated to perform effectively so that they can guide the students to become successful in their lives.

I would rate my organizational HR practices as 6. The open merit policy of MOE meets the ILO principles.

My organization have been following the principles given.

I would rate our organization by 6
There is a transparency at the work place ti create a proper and safe environment.

However, disparities may arise in the recruitment process there is always room for improvement and development in teaching and learning for betterment of the nation.

According to our setting, I think the ILO principle is being applied as equal opportunity of vacancies are given.
However am going to rate it as 4 out of 6, because final selection is not based on qualifications and experience but money and who you know.

In Fiji, the proper labor recruitment follows up the policy state by the ILO. I would rate as 5 because there’s still some improvement need whereby there is always a room for improvement.

I. Scope of the general principles and operational guidelines Answer - 1. There is no idea of such principles, and I guess to make matters worse, we are with the idea we live and work alone, no one exists in one of those isolated islands in the vast Pacific Ocean.
II. Definitions and terms. Answer - 2. There is no employer definition of employing indirectly or directly. There is no Migrant worker definition, No Recruitment nor recruitment fees.
III. General principles Answer is - 1 for the following reasons

  1. Not considered
  2. Ok
  3. Not considered
  4. Not to the full extent
  5. Not considered
  6. Not in place

My organization follows most of the ILO principles on recruitment I would my organization 5 out of six

I agree and support as most of the ILO meets the principles as opportunities are given for positions. Before appointments the qualifications are verified.

I would rate 5 /6 as my organization is well aligned and very good.

In every organisation there is always a flaw that may arise and people do make mistakes.However there are room for improvement and development as no system is perfect.

Most of the practices in my organization meet the principles of ILO. I would give a rating of 5/6. In Fiji, recruitment is based in merit and there is transparency in it, however, improvements can be made.

- The recruitment process followed by my organisation is very much in line with the ILO.
- It ensures fair and non-discriminatory hiring practices, provides equal opportunities for all candidates, and respecting workers’ rights.
- This includes promoting diversity, offering fair wages and benefits, providing a safe and healthy work environment.
- I will give rating of 6 because the recruitment process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner.
  1. You have done some reflection on how staff recruitment is conducted in your organisation. Read the ILO principles again. How does practice in your organisation meet the ILO principles?

Most of the practices in our school system meet the principles of ILO as the recruitment process is undertaken by the Human Resources Department of Ministry of Education in Fiji.

  1. Rate your organisational HR practice out of six, with one being poor and six being excellent. Give reasons for your rating.

I would rate the recruitment process of 6/6
Reasons for rating:
Remuneration bands are based on qualifications and performance based and bonus are paid through myApa Assessment. Open Merit System used to recruit AHT/ HoS/ HoD’s/ AP/ VP/ Principal. Schools which require teachers are given teachers and HR ensures that positions are filled.

The organization I work for does follow the ILO principles however; I strongly feel that they need improvement in fairness, transparency and workers welfare which is the reason I’m rating them a 4.

The ILO principles are very much align with my organization. I rate my organizational HR practice as 5

The ILO principles of fair recruitment processes are essential for ensuring that all workers have access to fair and equitable employment opportunities. These principles promote transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights throughout the recruitment process.

Here is how practice in my organization meets the ILO principles:

Principle 1 : Respect for human rights

  • All aspects of our recruitment process are conducted in a manner that respects, protects, and fulfills internationally recognized human rights.
  • We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all applicants, regardless of their background or identity.
  • We prohibit any form of discrimination or harassment in the recruitment process.

Principle 2 : Compliance with international and national labor regulations

  • Our recruitment policies and procedures are compliant with all applicable international and national labor regulations.
  • We regularly review our recruitment practices to ensure that they meet the highest standards of fairness and transparency.
  • We engage with our workforce and stakeholders to identify and address any potential issues related to recruitment.

Principle 3 : Application of appropriate legislation and policies

  • We apply appropriate legislation and policies on employment and recruitment to all workers, labor recruiters, and employers.
  • We ensure that all workers are aware of their rights and obligations under these laws and policies.
  • We investigate any allegations of non-compliance with our recruitment policies and procedures.

Principle 4 : Consideration of efficiency, transparency, and protection

  • We design our recruitment process to be efficient, transparent, and protective of workers’ rights.
  • We utilize technology to streamline the recruitment process and make it more accessible to all applicants.
  • We provide clear and concise information to applicants about our recruitment process and the terms and conditions of employment.

Principle 5 : Clear and transparent regulation of employment and recruitment activities

  • We have clear and transparent regulations in place for the regulation of employment and recruitment activities.
  • We regularly review and update our regulations to reflect changes in the law and best practices.
  • We work with our partners to enforce our regulations and ensure compliance with the ILO principles.

Principle 6 : Specification of terms and conditions of employment

  • The terms and conditions of a worker’s employment are clearly specified in an appropriate and easy-to-understand manner.
  • These terms and conditions are clearly outlined in written contracts in accordance with national laws, regulations, and employment contracts.
  • Workers are provided with copies of their employment contracts and are given ample time to review them before signing.

Principle 7 : Access to grievance and dispute resolution mechanisms

  • We provide workers with access to free or affordable grievance and other dispute resolution mechanisms in cases of alleged abuse of their rights in the recruitment process.
  • We have a clear and transparent process for investigating and resolving grievances.
  • We provide effective and appropriate remedies to workers who have been found to have been abused in the recruitment process.

By adhering to the ILO principles of fair recruitment processes, we can ensure that our organization is a welcoming and inclusive place to work for all employees. We are committed to providing all workers with fair and equitable employment opportunities, and we will continue to strive to meet the highest standards of recruitment practice.

  1. 4, Merit-based hiring practices are being disregarded due to nepotism.

My organisation follows the Open Merit Recruitment system whereby the most meritorious applicant gets the job.As such it is very much in alignment witĄ the ILO principles.

I would rate it 6/6.

ILO principles for staff recruitment include non-discrimination, equal opportunities, transparency, and accountability. In my organization, the HR practice generally meets these principles. We have policies in place to ensure non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all candidates, and the recruitment process is transparent and accountable.

I would rate my organizational HR practice a 5 out of 6. While we generally adhere to the ILO principles, there have been instances where the recruitment process may not have been as transparent as it should have been, leading to a slight deduction in the rating. Overall, however, I believe that our HR practice is strong and aligns well with the ILO principles.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) principles emphasize fairness, non-discrimination, and equality in the workplace, particularly in the context of staff recruitment. Reflecting on our organization’s recruitment practices in light of the ILO principles, here is an assessment of how our practices align with these principles:

  1. Non-Discrimination: Our organization has a strong commitment to non-discrimination in recruitment. We ensure that all candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, skills, and experience, without any bias related to race, gender, age, religion, or other protected characteristics. We have policies in place to promote diversity and inclusion in our recruitment processes.
  2. Fair Treatment: We strive to treat all candidates fairly and equitably throughout the recruitment process. This includes providing clear job descriptions, transparent selection criteria, and equal opportunities for all applicants. We also ensure that candidates are informed about the recruitment stages and receive timely feedback on their applications.
  3. Protection of Workers’ Rights: Our organization adheres to labor laws and regulations, ensuring that the rights of workers are protected throughout the recruitment process. We provide clear information about employment terms and conditions, including benefits, working hours, and any contractual obligations.
  4. Ethical Recruitment: We maintain ethical standards in our recruitment practices, ensuring that candidates are not exploited or subjected to unfair recruitment fees or practices. We uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals involved in the recruitment process.

Overall Rating: 5 (Excellent)

Reasoning: Our organization’s HR practice aligns well with the ILO principles, particularly in terms of non-discrimination, fair treatment, protection of workers’ rights, and ethical recruitment. We have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure that our recruitment processes are conducted in a manner consistent with these principles.

By consistently adhering to the ILO principles in the recruitment processes, we contribute to a positive organizational culture and attract diverse talent, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of our workforce.

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The recruitment exercise at my institution follows the international Labour Laws to some extend such as posting the advertisement in various media and giving the applicants fourteen days to submit their applications. everybody is allowed to apply as long as they meet the minimum requirement. This is being transparent in the process of application., shortlisting and interviews. After the interview, all those who were invited for the interview whether successful or not successful, all of them are communicated to.
This shows respect for human rights.

I can rate my institution at 5
Reason: This is because most of the ILO principles are adhered to.

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@tilarosko, thank you for your contribution. However, I wish you could have elaborated more on this Open Merit Recruitment System. Thank you.