QA4ODFL2 The QA4ODFL2 category host the topics and forum discussions for the course: Quality Assurance for open, distance and flexible learning - Part 2. DS4TC21 LS4ODFL Course forums for Learner support for open distance and flexible learning (LS4ODFL) DS4OERS Category for courses on Design Skills for OER Sharing. CS4ODFL Course forums for Communication Skills for Open Distance and Flexible Learning (CS4ODFL) course. QA4ODFL1 MODFL Forum topics for the Mainstreaming Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (MODFL) micro-course. Assessment skills for ODFL Forums for the open course: Assessment Skills for Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (AS4ODFL) Research methods in psychology Category used for all the micro-courses associated with the OERu’s course: Introduction to research methods in psychology. Research Methods COL TVSD World history in the modern era This category is used for the micro-courses associated with the OERu course, World history in the early modern and modern eras. Regional relations in Asia-Pacifc The Regional relations in Asia and the Pacific category is used for support and general discussions associated with the four designated micro-courses in the RRAP course series. Macroeconomics This subcategory is used for all OERu micro-courses in Macroeconomics. Global food security Extend NZ OERu orientation The OERu orientation category is used for discussions and test posts to familiarise yourself with the orientation course. Empowered Digital Teacher for Online Learning Course discussions for the Empowered Digital Teacher for Online Learning (EDT4OL) online micro-course Orientation to entrepreneurship Orientation to entrepreneurship is an open online course which forms part of North-West University’s Becoming an entrepreneur (BMAN111) course. Learning in a digital age Category used for all micro-courses associated with the OERu’s Learning in a Digital Age course. Curriculum design for open education Introduction to project management Category used for all the OERu microcourses for Introduction to project management. Art appreciation and techniques Corporate communication The Corporate Communication catergory is used for support and discussions associated with the three designated micro-courses in the CCOM course series (CCOM101, CCOM102 and CCOM103). English for academic writing Course forums for micro-course topics associated with the OERu’s English for Academic Writing. Principles of Management This category is used for all the OERu micro courses for the Principles of Management course including: Living life with dementia Category used for discussions supporting the OERu course: Living life with dementia Human: Earth shapers Web accessibility Category used for OERu courses on Web Accessibility. Social entrepreneurship in the digital age Introduction to psychology Category for hosting discussions for the OERu microcourses for Introduction to Psychology. Principles of marketing The Principles of marketing category is used for support and general discussions associated with the three designated micro-courses in the PMKT101 series. Digital skills for collaborative OER Development The DS4OER category is used for the Digital Skills for Collaborative OER Development course discussions. Introduction to entrepreneurship Category for hosting discussions for the OERu microcourses for Introduction to Entrepreneurship Creating sustainable futures The Creating sustainable futures category is used for support and general discussions associated with the four designated micro-courses in the CSF course series.